Conversion of debentures in Invik

Conversion of debentures in Invik Invik & Co. AB announced today that Investment AB Kinnevik ("Kinnevik") has filed for conversion into shares of all convertible debentures Kinnevik holds in Invik.The convertible debentures have a nominal value of SEK 235 million and will be converted into 2,148,710 class A shares and 2,370,520 class B shares in Invik at the predetermined conversion price of SEK 52 per share. Kinnevik did not own any shares in Invik before this transaction and will after conversion own 14.2% of the capital and 25.2% of the votes in Invik on a fully diluted basis. Following the conversion the total number of outstanding shares in Invik amounts to 31,024,823 divided into 6,990,543 A-shares and 24,034,280 B-shares. For further information, please visit or contact: Anders Fällman, President and CEO +46 (0)8 562 000 20Mattias Björk, CFO+46 (0)8 562 000 58 __________________________________ Invik is a finance group with a broad product profile focusing on insurance, banking and fund management. Invik is active in a number of carefully selected segments in which the Group can create high growth and build long-term, successful companies, while consistently focusing on profitability. Group companies are dis­tinguished by their constant efforts to seek new avenues for growth in profitable niches in the financial sector. Invik is made up of five major financial operations: Modern Insurances Non-life, with its direct insurance operations focusing on individuals and small companies; Modern Insurances Life, which offers life, pension and endowment insurances; Assuransinvest manages the remaining run-off portfolio; Banque Invik, a private bank based in Luxembourg with operations in asset management, card operations and corporate services and Invik Funds, which pursues fund operations in Aktie-Ansvar and Modern Funds. Invik is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange Mid Cap under the name INVKB. The press release can be downloaded from the following link:Attachment: Press release (PDF)Text version / Internet version / Print / Close