Kesko strengthens its district organisation

The Kesko Group will strengthen its district operations in Finland. The operations will be headed by District Directors, who are the highest representatives of the Kesko Group in their respective areas. They will report to Kesko's President and CEO and to the other members of the Corporate Management Board. The country will be divided into nine districts. The objective of the arrangement is to speed up local decision-making and increase Kesko's visibility and presence in regional growth centres.
District Directors will represent the whole Kesko Group in their areas and be responsible for local operations. The most important duties will include the planning and implementation of local store site projects in all divisions. Local communications and stakeholder cooperation will also be carried out under their control.
The Southern Finland will be divided into the districts of Helsinki, Uusimaa and Lahti. New districts will also include Jyväskylä and Seinäjoki.
The districts will be Helsinki, Uusimaa, Lahti, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Seinäjoki and Oulu.
Further information is available from:
Matti Halmesmäki, President and CEO, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 1053 22201
Terho Kalliokoski, President, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 22204
Kesko is the most versatile provider of trading sector services in the Baltic Sea area. In close cooperation with retailers and other partners it produces retail and wholesale services that are highly valued by customers. Kesko operates in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.