NCC: NCC to remodel Shell office in Risavika in Norway

NCC to remodel Shell office in Risavika in Norway NCC Construction AS in Norway has entered into a partnership agreement with AS Norske Shell, valued at about SEK 175 million, for remodeling and extending the company's head office in Risavika in the Municipality of Sola. Work will proceed in stages, commencing immediately after Easter 2007. The entire building will be completed for occupation at the end of August 2008. A new 5,000 m2 office wing is to be constructed and two office blocks of a total area of 7,500 m2 are to be renovated. NCC Partnering is a structured form of cooperation in the construction industry. The client, consultants and contractors jointly solve the construction assignment based on a cooperation characterized by openness, trust and respect and within which the professional skills of all of the partners complement each other in all stages of the project. For further information, please contact: Ole Fjelltvedt, District Manager, Stavanger Region North/West Construction, tfn +47 913 10 570 Øyvind Kvaal, Senior Vice President Communications and Government Affairs, NCC Construction Norway, tfn +47 900 76 910 Malin Engstedt, Acting Media Relations Manager, NCC Group, tfn +46 (0)8 5855 2346 All of NCC's press releases are available on NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2005 sales of SEK 50 billion, with 21,000 employees. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: