Mekonomen: Net revenues in December

Net revenues in December The Mekonomen Group reported net revenues of SEK 170.5 M for December, which is the same amount as the corresponding period in 2005 (170.5). The currency impact on net sales is negative in an amount of SEK 5.5 M and, adjusted for the currency effect, net sales improved by 3.2 per cent compared with December 2005. Accumulated net sales totaled SEK 2,432.4 M, which corresponds to an increase of 5.2 per cent compared with the year-earlier period (2,311.6). The currency impact on accumulated net sales is negative in an amount of SEK 10.7 M and, adjusted for the currency effect, accumulated net sales improved by 5.7 per cent compared with 2005. The number of workdays in December 2006 in Sweden, Norway and Denmark was 19 (21). The accumulated number of workdays in 2006 is 251 (253) in Sweden and Norway, and 252 (253) in Denmark December December January - January - SEK M 2006 2005 December December 2006 2005 Net 170,5 170,5 +0,0% 2 432,4 2 311,6 +5,2% revenues Dates for financial information Information Period Date Year-end Report 2006 Jan.-Dec. 2006 15 February 2007 Annual General Meeting Jan.-Dec. 2006 9 May 2007 A teleconference in Swedish with President Roger Gehrman and CFO Casper Seifert will be held on February 15 at 11:00 a.m. Journalists and professional players in the capital market are entitled to participate. Please call in ample time prior to the conference on +46 (0)8-619 75 40, code 55 44 90. For further information, please contact: Roger Gehrman, President, Mekonomen AB, Tel: +46 (0)8-464 00 47 Casper Seifert, CFO, Mekonomen AB, tel: +46 (0)8-464 00 80 or Mekonomen AB (publ), Corporate registration no. 556392-1971 Box 6077, 141 06 Kungens Kurva. Telefon: +46 (0)8-464 00 00, Fax: +46 (0)8-464 00 66 Mekonomen is a car spare parts chain with its own wholesale operation and a nationwide retail network of wholly owned and co-operating stores in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Group revenues mainly consist of revenues to service centres and motorists via wholly owned stores, and wholesale operations aimed at co-operating stores. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: