Provider of Computer Parts and Computer Repair Services Hosts Open House

Blue Raven Technology Celebrates Move Into New Facility in Wilmington, MA

WILMINGTON, Mass., Feb. 16, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Blue Raven Technology, a leading provider of replacement computer parts and computer repair services for over 20 years, primarily to the business-to-business community, hosts an open house to celebrate the completion of their move to a new facility.

President and COO Glen Kashgegian said, "The open house gave us a formal opportunity to show off our new state-of-the-art facility and to recognize the many people that made this move possible: our employees, customers and trade associates."

The open house occurred at Blue Raven's new facility in Wilmington, MA on January 25th. Events included tours of the computer repair facility, the warehouse, the information technology center, and the product demo room featuring many high-end electronic products, soon to be launched in electronic retail superstores across the country.

In the past year Blue Raven has diversified their computer repair services and out-of-warranty computer parts sales to include, reverse logistics support for the major Asian computer manufacturers, as well as wholesaling unique and differentiated retail products. This broader portfolio of complementary computer repair services is what prompted the relocation into this custom designed and renovated facility.

"Transitioning a major warehouse with tens of thousands of parts and several hundred notebooks that were work-in-progress, while not adversely affecting commitments, was a huge undertaking and accomplishment," says Charles Kouyoumjian, one of the original Founder's of Blue Raven Technology.

Blue Raven Technology continues to host informal tours and demos to both customers and suppliers.


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