Conversion rate is SEK 0.70 in Pricers’ convertible debentures

Conversion rate is SEK 0.70 in Pricers’ convertible debentures

The conversion rate should be SEK 0.70 in the convertible debentures decided by the Board of Directors of Pricer today (and not SEK 0.72 as previously announced). 

For further information, please contact: 
Jan Forssjö, President and CEO, Pricer AB: +46 8 505 582 00 

Pricer offers solutions for more efficient and secure price information through electronic information systems to the retail industry. The Pricer system significantly improves consumer benefit and store productivity. Pricer, founded in 1991 in Uppsala, Sweden, is the leading supplier of electronic display and information systems to the retail industry. 
Offering the most complete ESL solution Pricer has over 3,000 installations across three continents. Customers include many of the world’s top retailers and some of the foremost retail chains in Europe, Japan and the USA. Pricer, in co-operation with qualified partners, offers a totally integrated solution together with supplementary products, applications and services. 
Pricer AB (publ) is quoted on the Nordic Small Cap list of OMX. For further information, please visit Pricer´s website. A subscription service for online news releases via e-mail is available on the website. 

