Offentliggørelse af "Minutes of the Annual General Meeting" for Sparinvest Fund-of-Funds, Luxembourg

SPARINVEST FUND OF FUNDS                            
                  Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable                   
                                69, route d'Esch                                
                               L-1470 Luxembourg                                
                           R.C.S. Luxembourg B-84451                            

                      HELD IN LUXEMBOURG ON MARCH 1, 2007                       

On March 1, 2007 at 3 p.m., the shareholders of SPARINVEST FUND OF FUNDS have   
been assembled for the Annual General Meeting.                                  
In the absence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mrs. Mylène Castellani
has been elected Chairman pro tempore. The Chairman appoints as Secretary Mrs.  
Valérie Closter. The meeting elects as Scrutineer  Mrs. Nathalie Clement.       
The Chairman declares:                                                          
a) That the shareholders represented and the number of shares held by each of   
them are shown on an attendance-list, signed by the proxyholders, the Chairman, 
the Secretary and the Scrutineer.                                               
As appears from said attendance-list, 1 750 020 shares are represented at the   
meeting with a voting right of 1 750 020 votes.                                 
b) That convening notices have been sent by registered mail to the registered   
  shareholders on February 15, 2007.                                            
c) That the agenda of the meeting is the following:                             

Submission of the Reports of the Board of Directors and of the Auditor          
Approval of the Statement of Net Assets and of the Statement of Changes in Net  
Assets for the year ended as at December 31, 2006; allocation of the net results
Discharge to the Directors                                                      
Statutory Appointments                                                          

After due deliberation, the annual general meeting adopts, in each case         
unanimously, the following resolutions:                                         

FIRST RESOLUTION                                                                
Unanimously, the meeting takes notice of the Reports of the Board of Directors  
and of the Auditors as well as of the Statement of Net Assets as at December 31,
2006 and the Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2006.      

SECOND RESOLUTION                                                               
Unanimously, the audited Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Operations as 
at December 31, 2006 are approved in the form submitted by the Board.           
The Meeting decides to bring forward the result of operations for the year ended
December 31, 2006.                                                              
THIRD RESOLUTION                                                                
Unanimously, the meeting grants full discharge from their respective duties to  
the Directors having been in office during all or part of the year ended as at  
December 31, 2006.                                                              

FOURTH RESOLUTION                                                               

The Meeting renews for a period of one year ending on the date of the next      
annual general meeting to be held in 2008 or until their successors are         
appointed the mandates as Director of Mr. Peter Bache Vognbjerg, Mr. Per        
Noesgaard, Mr. Jan Stig Rasmussen and Mr. Bjarne Toftlund.                      

The Meeting takes note of the resignation of Mr. Mogens Jensen and, subject to  
the approval of the “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier”,  proposes
to appoint Mr. Niels Fessel and  Mr. Jens Erik Christensen as new directors of  
the Sicav.                                                                      

FIFTH RESOLUTION                                                                

Unanimously, the meeting reappoints Deloitte S.A. as Auditor. Their mandate will
be valid until the date of the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2008 or     
until their successors have been appointed.                                     
With no item appearing under point 5 of the agenda, the meeting is closed after 
reading of the minutes which are signed by the Chairman, the Secretary and the  

The Chairman			The Secretary		The Scrutineer


sparinvest fof_agm minutes_2007.pdf