Announcement - NKT Holding A/S Annual General Meeting 2007

The Nordic Exchange
Nikolaj Plads 6
DK-1007 Copenhagen K	

19 March 2007
Release No. 5

Announcement - NKT Holding A/S Annual General Meeting 2007

We enclose:

- convening the NKT Holding A/S Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11 April
2007. A Danish version of the notice will be published in Berlingske Tidende on
Tuesday 20 March 2007. 

- containing the full text of the proposals to be submitted at the Annual
General Meeting. 

Please address any questions to the signer, on telephone no. +45 4348 2000.

Yours faithfully,
NKT Holding A/S
Thomas Hofman-Bang
President and CEO

Enclosures - notice and agenda

