Notice to attend Orc Software AB's (publ.) Annual General Meeting of shareholders

Notice to attend Orc Software AB's (publ.) Annual General Meeting of

The shareholders of Orc Software AB (publ.) are hereby invited to attend the
Annual General Meeting of the shareholders to be held on Wednesday April 25,
2007, at 5 p.m. (CET) at the offices of Orc Software, at Birger Jarlsgatan 32A,
5th floor, Stockholm, Sweden.

Shareholders who wish to participate at the Annual General Meeting of
shareholders must 
- be registered in the shareholders' register maintained by VPC AB (“VPC”) on
Thursday April 19, 2007, and 
- notify the company at:

Orc Software AB (publ.), Årsstämman, Box 7742, 103 95 Stockholm, Sweden
or by telephone at +46 8 407 38 00
or by e-mail at

not later than Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 4 p.m. (CET). The application shall
include the shareholder's name, personal or corporate identity number, number of
shares held, address, telephone number and information regarding assistants and,
where applicable, representatives, wishing to attend the meeting.

Authorized representatives etc.
A shareholder who will be represented by a proxy at the meeting shall issue a
dated power of attorney for such proxy. A power of attorney issued by a legal
entity shall be accompanied by a certified copy of a certificate of registration
or similar document (“registration certificate”) for such legal entity. Powers
of attorney and registration certificates shall be issued within one year before
the meeting. Original powers of attorney, certificates of registration and other
documents of authorization should be received by the company at the above
address not later than Thursday, April 19, 2007.

Nominee-registered shares
Shareholders whose shares have been registered in the name of a nominee must, in
order to be entitled to exercise voting rights at the Annual General Meeting,
temporarily register their shares with VPC in their own name. A shareholder who
wishes to be recorded in the share register in his/her own name, must notify
his/her nominee thereof in due time before Thursday, April 19, 2007, at which
day such registration shall be effected.

Proposed agenda
1.	Opening of the meeting.
2.	Election of a chairman of the meeting.
3.	Preparation and approval of the voting list.
4.	Approval of the agenda.
5.	Election of one or two persons to approve the minutes.
6.	Determination of whether the meeting has been duly convened.
7.	Presentation of the annual report and the auditor's report and the
consolidated financial statements and the auditor's report for the group, as
well as a description of the work of the Board of Directors and the remuneration
8.	Resolutions regarding:
(a)	Adoption of the profit and loss account and the balance sheet and the
consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated balance sheet;
(b)	Discharge from liability of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive
(c)	Allocation of the company's profit in accordance with the adopted balance
9.	Determination of the number of directors and deputy directors as well as
auditors and deputy auditors.
10.	Determination of the fees for the directors and the auditors.
11.	Election of the Board of Directors.
12.	Election of auditors.
13.	Authorization for the Board of Directors to raise customary credit
14.	The Board of Directors' proposal on principles for remuneration and other
terms of employment for the Executive Management Team.
15.	Other issues.
16.	Closing of the meeting.

Proposed resolutions

Item 2. Chairman of the meeting.
The nominating committee  proposes that Magnus Böcker is elected Chairman at the
Annual General Meeting.

Item 8 c. Proposal of distribution of dividends
The Board of Directors has proposed the Annual General Meeting of the
shareholders to decide on a payment of dividends in the amount of SEK two (2)
per share and to set the record date for purposes of the payment of dividends at
Monday, April 30, 2007. Should the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders
adopt a resolution in accordance with the proposal, it is estimated that
dividends will be distributed by VPC on May 4, 2007.

Item 9. Number of Board members and auditors
The nominating committee proposes that the Board consists of seven (7) ordinary
Board members and no deputy Board members and one (1) auditor and no deputy

Item 10. Remuneration to the Board of Directors and auditors
The nominating committee proposes unchanged remuneration for the Board, which
means that each Board member receives SEK 150,000, that the Chairman of the
Board receives double the Board member's remuneration, i.e. SEK 300,000. In
total the remuneration amounts to SEK 1,200,000. In accordance with previous
procedures, fees to the auditors should be paid on account.

Item 11. Election of Board members
The Board member Åke Dovärn has declined re-election.

The nominating committee proposes re-election of the Board members Katarina
Bonde,  Magnus Böcker, Patrik Enblad, Markus Gerdien and Anette Kumlien. 

The nominating committee proposes that Lars Bertmar, born 1945, with the
commission as chairman of the boards of Kultur och Näringsliv and SIFR, Swedish
Institute for Financial Research, and Carl Rosvall, born 1956,with the
commission as member of the board of Itello AB, are elected as new Board
members. Further information regarding all the nominated directors of the Board
will be available at the company's home page not later than
April 11, 2007.

The nominating committee proposes that Markus Gerdien be elected as Chairman of
the Board.

Item 12. Election of Auditors
The nominating committee proposes re-election of Ernst & Young AB as auditor for
four years. Ernst & Young has announced that auditor Ola Wahlquist, Authorized
Public Auditor, shall be principal auditor until further notice.

Item 13. Authorization for the Board of Directors to raise customary credit
The Board of Directors' proposal contains an authorization for the Board, during
the period up until the next Annual General Meeting, to raise, on market terms,
customary credit facilities where payable interest or the amounts with which the
loan shall be repaid are conditioned upon the company's results or financial

Item 14. The Board of Directors' proposal on principles for remuneration and
other terms of employment for the Executive Management Team.

The Board of Directors has prepared a proposal on principles for remuneration
and other terms of employment for the Executive Management Team. Orc Software
takes account of global remuneration practice together with the practice of the
home country of each individual in the Executive Management Team. The Board of
Directors shall have the right to deviate from the principles decided at the
Annual General Meeting if there are specific reasons for this in an individual

The basic principles for the remuneration structure for 2007 are: 
- To promote agreement between employees and shareholders regarding their
long-term view of operations. 
- To ensure that employees receive remuneration that is competitive and in line
with the market which makes it possible to retain and recruit personnel. 
- To offer salary levels based on the results achieved, duties, competence,
experience and position.

Orc Software's remuneration for the Executive Management Team comprise of: Fixed
salary, annual variable salary and in certain cases pension, other benefits and
terms for termination of the contract of employment and conditions for severance

A salary review is made every year for members of the Executive Management Team.
The review takes into account market salary trends, employee performance,
changes in areas of responsibility, the development of the company and local
agreements and regulations.

The annual report, the auditor's report and other documentation in accordance
with the Companies Act will be available at the company's head office not later
than Wednesday April 11, 2007. The annual report will also be available in
electronic format at the company's home page, The annual
report will be available in printed format at the Annual General Meeting.

Stockholm, March 2007

The Board of Directors

For more information:
Thomas Bill +46 8 407 38 35

