| Annex 1 to the Rules on Notification about  |                                |
| Acquisition (Disposal) of a Block of Shares |                                |
1. Vilniaus Vingis AB                                                           
(Name of the accountable issuer, code of the enterprise, address)               
2. MP Investment Bank                                                           
(Name, family name, personal code, address, telephone number of a person who has
acquired the block of shares or                                                 
name, code of register, type of enterprise, office address of an enterprise     
which has acquired the block of shares)                                         

3. Data about the acquisition of shares of the accountable issuer               
| Type and    | Number   | shares      | Number of   | Number of | Day on      |
| class of    | of       | owned       | votes held  | votes     | which the   |
| shares,     | Number   | Shares      | before the  | held on   | limit was   |
| ISIN code   | of       | owned by    | acquisition | the day   | exceeded    |
|             | shares   | persons     | of the      | of the    |             |
|             | held by  | acting in   | block of    | form      |             |
|             | the      | concert     | shares      | filling   |             |
|             | right of |             |             |           |             |
|             | ownershi |             |             |           |             |
|             | p        |             |             |           |             |
| 1           | 2        | 3           | 4           | 5         | 6           |
| ORS,        | 1.536.94 | 0           | 12,58%      | 17,77%    | 2007-03-09  |
| LT000010367 | 0        |             |             |           |             |
| 3           |          |             |             |           |             |

4. Number of voting rights held by the person making a declaration (see par. 9.2
of the Rules)                                                                   
| NT%    | KS%   | VK%   | PS%    | VIP %  | IG %   | PP %   | SB%    | EV%    |
| 17.77% |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |        |

5. Data about securities held, which grant the right to vote and/or own shares  
of the issuer in the future                                                     
| Type and class  | Number of       | Conditions for the acquisition of voting |
| of securities   | securities held | right (term and conditions for           |
|                 |                 | converting and realizing the right to    |
|                 |                 | acquire voting shares)                   |

| 6. Reasons for exceeding the limit (enter)           |                       |

7. By signing this notification I confirm that the information disclosed is full
and accurate and that I am aware of the sanctions imposed for disclosure of     
misleading information set forth in the Law on Securities Market of the Republic
of Lithuania and the Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of       

Margeir Petursson, Chairman of the Board, 09 03 2007
(Signature of the person making a declaration about the acquisition of a block  
of shares (name, family name, and signature of the head of the enterprise's     
administration), date of filling in the form)

