Broström issues a 3-year bond

Broström issues a 3-year bond

Broström has launched and placed a SEK 500,000,000 3-year bond. 

The bond is issued with fixed rate interest and the coupon is set to 5.25% p.a. 
(ISIN SE0001984634). The issue date is 2 April, 2007. The notes will not be

Broström sees the bond market as part of its long-term financing. 

SEB Merchant Banking is the sole arranger of the bond issue.

Göteborg, 20 March 2007


For further information: Lennart Simonsson, CEO Broström, Tel +46 31 61 61 00
                         Mårten Krakau, SEB Merchant Banking, Tel +46 8 506 232

Broström is one of the leading logistics companies for the   oil and chemical
industry, focusing on industrial product   and chemical tanker shipping and
marine services. Broström is based all over the world and operates within two
areas: Shipping and Marine & Logistics Services. Broström's head office is
located in Göteborg, Sweden.

