no 20/07 Settlement of EUAMAR-07

The settlement date for EUAMAR-07 is approaching, with 26 March 2007 as the last trading day.  

Lysaker, 20 March 2007

Nord Pool Clearing would like to remind our members and clients of the following: 

The net seller must ensure that all the allowances are transferred to the Nord Pool Clearing registry account within 16.00 CET on the last trading day 26 March. The account number is DK-121-451-0.

The margins will increase the last week before the last trading day 26 March. The increase reflects that settlement is approaching and the net buyers must have cash equal to the settlement on their accounts in the morning 27 March at the latest. The net sellers may pre-deliver allowances in advance of the last trading day in order to reduce their need for collateral.

For further information please see the document: "margining and settlement for the EUA forward contract" on .
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Clearing: 

Trond Svensgaard, head of risk management, 
phone: +47 67 10 84 12 /+47 90 12 36 79

Håkan Sandebjer, risk management, 
phone: +46 8 555 166 05 /+46 70 636 32 64