DSV to build logistics complex for Volvo Cars Gent


DSV to build logistics complex for Volvo Cars Gent

Volvo Cars Gent in Belgium has decided to have a logistics complex built for an
efficient delivery of components to the factory. 

Volvo Cars has decided to have DSV Solutions (Automotive) to build and run a
new logistics complex for Volvo Cars on a ground owned and disposed by Volvo
Cars Ghent. DSV Solutions (Automotive) will invest in the building and the
equipment, and will also run the complex. 

These activities will provide work to approximately 300 people, including 200
who are currently working for DSV Solutions (Automotive) and will be integrated
in the new logistics centre. 
The activities which are currently executed at DSV Solutions in the
Skaldenstraat, will move to the logistics complex (+/- 40 parts). Light
pre-assemblies, which are now executed in the SILS-center* will also be carried
out by DSV Solutions. On top of that a number of parts which are now delivered
in sequence from the SILS-center, will also move to the new complex. 

The construction works will start before the summer holidays; by the summer
holidays of 2008 the logistics complex should be operational. The building will
consist of two floors with a total surface of about 50.000 m2. The investment
amounts to 30 million euro. 

With this logistics complex Volvo Cars Gent will be able to organize deliveries
even more efficiently and the overload on the Kennedylaan will also decrease.
The number of trucks that deliver parts from the Skaldenpark will decrease with
approximately one third: from 421 today, to 290 in the future. 

This announcement has been forwarded to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange's
Investorservice and the press. It is also available on the Internet at
www.dsv.com. The announcement has been prepared in Danish and in English. In
the event of discrepancies, the Danish version shall apply. Questions should be
addressed to Kurt K. Larsen, Managing Director, tel. +45 43 20 30 40. 

*	SILS: Supply In-Line-Sequence: Parts are delivered in the right order and at
the right time when they are needed in production. 


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