Correction to coupon rates effective from 1 April 2007 for ISIN code DK0009765711

Nykredit has the following correction to its stock exchange announcement dated
23 March 2007 concerning the fixing of coupon rates for ISIN code DK0009765711. 

The new coupon rate effective for the period 1 April 2007-30 June 2007:

Uncapped bonds
DK0009765711 (29D), maturity 2018, new rate as at 1 April 2007: 3.9603 % pa.

Questions may be addressed to Lars Kastrup Nielsen, Head of Trading, Group
Treasury, tel +45 33 42 11 66, or Corporate Communications, tel +45 33 42 14

Yours sincerely
Nykredit Realkredit A/S


correction to coupon rates effective from 1 april 2007 for isin code dk0009765711.pdf