JSC Grindeks received recognition of Europe's Good Practice Award

On the 22nd of March JSC Grindeks received recognition of Europe's Good
Practice Award on safe labor environment. The Awarding Ceremony was held in the
framework of Gala event of European week 2006 for safety and health at the work
place, which took place in Bilbao, Spain. 
The aim of presenting this award is to illustrate with particular examples to
European employers and employees, schools, youth and their parents what benefit
could bring the compliance with labor safety and health protection practice.
Good practice examples are solutions, implemented for promoting effective
management of youth labor safety and health protection at the work place and
prevention activities for decreasing the occurrence of accidents and health
problems amid young employees. 
As outlined Jānis Romanovskis, Chairman and CEO of the Board of JSC Grindeks:
“We are truly grateful for this recognition - this is a high appreciation on
our company's labor protection and safety system as well as our contributions
to this field. JSC Grindeks solves labor safety issues on a regular basis and
integrates them in the working process. We have developed a successful
cooperation with various educational institutions, by creating a special youth
educational program, thus securing practical skills acquiring and prepare more
knowing and responsible young employees. In the same way JSC Grindeks regularly
performs work place risks evaluation, which brought substantial results - the
level of  hazardous work places have been diminished in all working levels and
positions. Absolutely all Grindeks employees are involved in labor protection
system; every employee has an opportunity to report on the necessary
improvements in working environment and conditions.” 
Grindeks is the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States
specializing in the manufacturing and sales of heart and cardiovascular,
central nervous system and anti-cancer medications. Its concern consists of
four subsidiary companies in Latvia, Estonia and Russia as well as seven
representative offices. Products of the company are exported to more than 40
countries. Main markets - Baltic States, Russia and other CIS countries, Japan,
USA. Grindeks shares are listed in the Official list of Riga Stock Exchange. 

Information was prepared by:
 JSC Grindeks Communication department
Office: 7083241
E-mail: kjurjeva@grindeks.lv