Notice of Hakon Invest Annual General Meeting

Shareholders in Hakon Invest AB (publ) are hereby summoned to the
Annual General Meeting to be held at 4.00 pm on Thursday April 26,
2007 in the Stockholm Conference Room at the Grand Hôtel in
Stockholm, at S. Blasie-holmshamnen 8. Light refreshments will be
served from 2:30 pm in conjunction with the meeting.

The Nomination Committee in Hakon Invest proposes the re-election of
Board members Lars Otterbeck, Cecilia Daun Wennborg, Anders
Fredriksson, Jan-Olle Folkesson, Olle Nyberg, Jan Olofsson and Thomas
Strindeborn. The Nomination Committee proposes that Lars Otterbeck be
re-elected Chairman. More detailed information about the Board
members is provided at It is proposed that fees
to the Board of Directors be unchanged and amount to SEK 1,800,000,
of which SEK 500,000 to the Board Chairman, SEK 300,000 to the Vice
Chairman and SEK 200,000 to the other members. Moreover, an
additional SEK 250,000 is proposes to be distributed for committee
work. The Board proposes the approval of the fundamental principles
for remuneration and employment terms for senior executives in Hakon
Invest. These principles are identical to those approved at the 2006
Annual General Meeting. In addition, an incentive program for 2007 is
proposed for senior executives and certain key personnel comprising a
bonus and call options program.

A dividend of SEK 5.50 per common share is proposed.

The complete notification is provided on the Group's website and attached to this press release. Documentation
for certain decision points will be published on the website not
later than April 10.

For more information, contact:

General Counsel
Fredrik Hägglund
tel. +46-8-553 399 08

Head of Investor Relations
Pernilla Linger
tel. +46-8-553 399 55

Hakon Invest, which is listed the Nordic Exchange, conducts active
and long-term investment operations in retail-oriented companies in
the Nordic region. Hakon Invest owns 40% of ICA AB, the Nordic
region's leading retail company with focus on food. In addition have
holdings in Forma Publishing Group, Kjell & Company, Hemma and
Cervera. Further information about Hakon Invest is available at


Notice of AGM pdf