SAXESS user news 08/07 Market changes in SAXESS - from March and further on 2007

1 As of April 2, 2007 the following changes take place.

1.1 Addition of Iceland into the Nordic List (Reminder)
The Icelandic exchange will join the Nordic List setup in SAXESS.
Please read all details on the following pages.

1.2 Re-structure of Swedish fixed income markets (Reminder)
On April 2 the Nordic Exchange will re-structure the Swedish fixed income
The changes will take place in the SAXESS and TARGIN systems. There will be
four types of changes:
• name changes of submarkets and new submarkets in SAXESS
• name changes of lists and new lists for traders in SAXESS
• name changes and new lists to media, newspapers, websites etc.
• move of the convertible loan list to retail bond segment
Please read all details on the following pages.

2 As of June 4, 2007 the following changes take place.

2.1 Launch of pre-trade anonymity on Nordic First North alternative
markets (Reminder)
OMX has decided, after a customer consultation, to launch pre-trade anonymity
in the order book on the First North alternative markets. The implementation
will be effective as of June 4, 2007 in the SAXESS system.
The feature that will be implemented is the removal of broker IDs from the
order book on First North alternative markets for all instruments (e.g.
anonymous pre-trading).

2.2 Changed tick size table for Most Liquid companies
OMX the Nordic Exchange has, after customer consultation, decided to change the tick
size table for the “Most liquid shares” in Stockholm. The change will in effect lower the
tick size for Ericsson and will be implemented as of June 4, 2007.

3 Trading Safeguards (postponed)
Previous issues of SAXESS user news included information that the OMX Nordic
exchange in Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen will introduce Trading safeguards.
OMX has decided to postpone implementation of Trading Safeguards in Stockholm,
Copenhagen and Helsinki. The criteria for deleting deviating over night orders has
been subject to challenges for members to prepare internal systems for handling
these orders in time for April 2nd.

