Luxury and natural feel join forces

Stora Enso Packaging Boards
Consumer Boards
FIN-55800 IMATRA, Finland
Tel. +358 2046 121
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29 March 2007
Luxury and natural feel join forces
If you care about your health as well as wanting some pleasure in your life, Oliviers & Co. is the place for you to shop. With its 75 stores around the world, the French company treats consumers to fine foods and other high-quality products based on olive oil. The company's latest introduction is the "Gamme de Chefs" fine foods selection, which comes in highly sophisticated packages.
Olive oil is the main ingredient for all Oliviers & Co.'s products, including foods, oils, scents and even cosmetics. The new fine food collection is based on the recipes of the highly regarded chefs Jean-Marie Meulien from the French Riviera and Jean-André Charial from Provence. The product packages, manufactured by Cartonnages Bes from Stora Enso Tamwhite board, have the same chic and natural feel as the products themselves.
Contrasting colours
"The attractive look of the package is based on elegant modern graphics and the sharp contrast between fresh, fruity colours and smooth black," says Regis Prat, Sales Manager at Cartonnages Bes. "The board is offset-printed on both sides, and quite exceptionally, we have placed the reverse side on top. This gives a soft, natural feel and highlights the contrast between the inner and outer surfaces."
The specially designed bottom of the carton has a clever locking device to securely hold the product inside. Tamwhite board, from which the carton is made, provides the required bulk and strength while also giving excellent print results combined with the distinctive soft feel of the printed reverse side, exactly as Cartonnages Bes and the brand owner wished. Tamwhite is a fully coated folding boxboard (GC1) with coated white reverse.
'Bio' a major trend
Natural, ecological and organic are some of the key adjectives that describe Oliviers & Co.'s products. Cartonnages Bes specializes in manufacturing high-quality cartons for cosmetics and luxury brands, and according to Sales Manager Olivier Mathey, "bio" is a major trend in the entire commercial sector. A number of companies are expanding their ranges from cosmetics to other areas such as home decoration and scents, which is increasing the demand for high-quality packaging.
"The focus on 'bio' also means that brand owners are increasingly interested in the sustainability of raw materials and production processes," notes the company's proprietor Jean-Luc Palayret. "At Cartonnage Bes, we are committed to environmental responsibility, and we demand the same from our paper and board suppliers. Stora Enso supplies Cartonnages Bes with Tamwhite and Ensocoat boards for use in a number of packaging applications for cosmetics and other products." Controlled and certified raw material sources were a key requirement for Florame, another customer of Cartonnages Bes that also uses Tamwhite to package its branded personal-care products.
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For further information:
Stora Enso France
Hervé Vue, Sales Manager
Tel. +33 1 4695 9068
Stora Enso Packaging Boards
Consumer Boards
Sanna Heiskanen, Marketing Services Officer Tel. +358 2046 23440 E-mail


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