Draft resolutions of general meeting to be held on 25-04-2007

Item One                                                                        
1. CONSIDERED. Annual report to the shareholders.                               
The speaker, General Director of the company Irena Keblerienė, read the annual  
report for 2006 to the shareholders.                                            
To approve of the annual report 2006.                                           
Votes: “for” ______, “against______, “abstained” ______                         

Item Two                                                                        
2. CONSIDERED. Company auditor's opinion.                                       
The speaker, General Director of the company Irena Keblerienė, read out the     
independent auditor's opinion for AB Kauno Tiekimas shareholders.               
The speaker, General Director of the company Irena Keblerienė, read out the     
independent auditor's opinion on the audit of the financial accounting of the   
company for 2006 and the annual report.                                         
Votes: “for” ______, “against______, “abstained” ______                         
Item Three                                                                      
3. CONSIDERED. Approval of the financial statements of the company for 2006.    
The speaker, the Chief Accountant Danutė Skučienė, provided and read the        
financial accounting documents for 2006.                                        
To approve the financial statements of the company for 2006.                    
Votes: “for” ______, “against______, “abstained” ______                         
Item Four                                                                       
4. CONSIDERED. Distribution of profit (loss).                                   
The speaker, General Director of the company Irena Keblerienė, suggested the    
shareholders to approve the distribution of company's profit (loss) proposed by 
the Board and to approve of the Board proposal to pay no dividends to the       
shareholders for 2006:                                                          
4.1. profit (loss) brought forward                                              
       at the beginning of the reporting year			LTL5,071,562                    
4.2. Net profit (loss) of the current year				LTL472,066                        
       Including unrealized gain				LTL3,751,484                                
4.3. Profit for the financial year unrecognised in the Profit and Loss          
Account	N/A                                                                     
4.4. Transfers from reserves				LTL90,922                                       
       Including allowances					LTL40,054                                       
       Undistributable reserve				LTL50,868                                     
4.5. Shareholder contributions to cover losses			N/A                            
4.6. Total distributable profit (loss):				LTL5,634,550                         
       Including unrealized gain				LTL3,751,484                                
4.7. Profit share distributed to statutory reserves 			LTL23,603                
4.8. Profit share distributed to reserve for the acquisition of owns shares 	N/A
4.9. Profit share distributed to other reserves, including the planed warehouse 
renovation LTL400,000                                                           
4.10. Profit share for paying out dividends 			N/A                              
4.11. Profit share for annual bonuses for the board members, employee bonuses   
         and other purposes					LTL94,000                                       
4.12. Undistributed profit (loss) at the end of the reporting financial year    
         brought forward to the following financial year 		LTL5,116,947         
To approve the above distribution of profit (loss). To pay no dividends to the  
shareholders for 2006.                                                          
Votes: “for” ______, “against______, “abstained” ______                         

Item Five                                                                       
5. CONSIDERED. Elections of the audit firm and establishment of payment terms   
for the auditing services.                                                      
The speaker, General Director of the company Irena Keblerienė, informed the     
shareholders that the company has received Decision of the Lithuanian Securities
Commission No 2K-60 of 1 February 2007, which approves of audit firm UAB        
Auditorių Biuras as an acceptable candidate to audit AB Kauno Tiekimas financial
accounting for 2007-2008 and auditor Roma Račienė as an acceptable candidate to 
audit AB Kauno Tiekimas financial accounting for 2007. The Board proposes to    
elect audit firm UAB Auditorių Biuras the auditor of the company for a period of
two years and to pay LTL30,000 (thirty thousand) plus VAT per year for the      
auditing services.                                                              
To elect audit firm UAB Auditorių Biuras the auditor of the company for a period
of two years to audit AB Kauno Tiekimas financial accounting for 2007-200       
Išrinkti dvejiems metams audito įmonę  UAB „Auditorių biuras“ atlikti 2007 -2008
and to pay LTL30,000 (thirty thousand) plus VAT per year for the auditing       
Votes: “for” ______, “against______, “abstained” ______                         
Item Six                                                                        
6. CONSIDERED. Elections of the company Board members                           
Speaker Igor Gončaruk, Chairman of the Board. The Board, which was working for a
period of four years, was elected on 9 April 2003 and its term ends in April    
The following candidates are proposed to the shareholders to serve as the       
members of a collegiate body, i.e. the Board: Igor Gončaruk, Irena Keblerienė,  
and Nijolė Varanavičienė. The following information on each of the candidates is
provided to help the shareholders make up their minds before voting:            
1. Igor Gončaruk: Employed by the company since 1992. Open-ended employment     
contract; job position: CEO. Holds 65,994 shares or 0.65% of AB Kauno Tiekimas  
authorised capital. University education. Does not have any positions in other  
companies. Elected a Board Member and the chairman of the Board since 1999. Has 
relevant professional experience and qualifications to discharge his duties.    
Takes part in various refresher programs related to the work in the collegiate  
body and the direct functions.                                                  
2. Irena Keblerienė: General Director. Employed by the company since 1993.      
Open-ended employment contract. University education. Has no shareholding in the
Company. Does not have any positions in other companies or any shareholdings of 
other companies exceeding 5 percent. Elected a Board Member since 1999. Has     
relevant work experience, qualifications, and professional qualities to         
discharge her duties in both the collegial body and the position of the head of 
the company. Regularly takes part in various refresher programs, does a lot of  
self study.                                                                     
3. Nijolė Varanavičienė: Not employed by the company. Has no shareholding in the
Company. Has received no reimbursements from the company. University education. 
Elected a Board Member since 1999. Well acquainted with the particulars of the  
company activities. Has relevant experience and qualifications. Professionally  
discharges her duties of a Board Member.                                        
All the Board members are responsible for strategic management and they         
discharge other key functions of corporate governance. The number of the Board  
members satisfies the present scope and the main fields of the company          
To elect Igor Gončaruk, Irena Keblerienė, and Nijolė Varanavičienė company Board
members for a period of four years.                                             
Votes: “for” ______, “against______, “abstained” ______