Draft Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Sanitas AB                 
(hereinafter referred to as Company) Shareholders, taking place on              
April 26, 2007, offered by Company‘s Management Board:                          

1. Consolidated annual report for the year 2006.                                
Draft Resolution:                                                               
1.1. To get familiarized with consolidated annual report for the year 2006      
as approved by the Management Board.                                            

2. Company's auditor's report.                                                  
Draft Resolution:                                                               
2.1. To recommend Company's shareholders to take into account auditor's         
report when voting for the approval of the Company's financial statements       
for the year 2006 and of consolidated financial statements for the year 2006.   

3. Approval of the Company's financial statements for the year 2006 and of      
consolidated financial statements for the year 2006.                            
Draft Resolution:                                                               
3.1. To approve Company's financial statements for the year 2006 and            
financial statements for the year 2006.                                         

4. Approval of the Company's profit (loss) distribution for the year 2006.      
Draft Resolution:                                                               
4.1. To approve Company's profit distribution for the year 2006:                

|                                       | kLTL            | kEUR               |
| Undistributed result - profit (loss)  | 24 269          | 7 029              |
| - at the end of  the previous         |                 |                    |
| financial year                        |                 |                    |
| The net result of the financial year  | 10 641          | 3 082              |
| - profit (loss)                       |                 |                    |
| Result available for distribution -   | 34 910          | 10 111             |
| profit (loss) - at the end of the     |                 |                    |
| financial year                        |                 |                    |
| Shareholders‘ distributions to cover  | 0               | 0                  |
| loss                                  |                 |                    |
| Transfers from the reserves           | 0               | 0                  |
| Result available for distribution -   | 34 910          | 10 111             |
| profit (loss) -  at the end of the    |                 |                    |
| financial year                        |                 |                    |
| Distribution of the profit:           |                 |                    |
| - to the reserves provided by law     | 0               | 0                  |
| - to other reserves                   | 0               | 0                  |
| - dividends                           | 0               | 0                  |
| - etc.                                | 0               | 0                  |
| Undistributed result - profit (loss)  | 34 910          | 10 111             |
| - at the end of the financial year    |                 |                    |

5. Election of the two new Members of the Management Board.                     
Draft Resolution:                                                               
5.1. After resignation of two Members of the Management Board                   
Dailius Juozapas Miseikis and Sunil Kumar Nair, to elect for the                
remaining period of the tenure:                                                 
1) Vytautas Bucas, offered by Invalda AB;                                       
2) Ashwin Roy, offered by Invalda AB.                                           

6. On the Stock option plan of the Company.                                     
Draft Resolution:                                                               
6.1. To approve Stock option plan of the Company presented by                   
the Management Board.                                                           

Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs                                         
Ruta Milkuviene                                                                 
+370 37 20 06 62