Codan, change of sector classification with effect from 19 April 2007

Codan A/S - change of sector classification

Copenhagen Stock Exchange has decided to change the sector classification of
the following ISIN code with effect from 19 April 2007: 

ISIN: DK0010288638 (VP: 1028863)

Name in the Official List: Codan
Short name: CODAN

Existing sector classification:
40 Financials
40 30 Insurance
40 30 10 Insurance
40 30 10 30 Multi-line insurance

New sector classification:	
40 Financials
40 30 Insurance
40 30 10 Insurance
40 30 10 40 Property & Casualty Insurance

CBR no.:	56 77 12 12
Type:	0

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


codan - ndret gisc - uk.pdf