Decisions of General meeting of shareholders

On 18th of April 2007 at 10.00 General meeting of shareholders took place.

Agenda of the meeting:
1.Annual report 2006
2.Review and suggestion of Supervisory Board
3.International audit report about Company's activity 
4.Affirmation of the Company's annual financial statement 2006
5.2006 profit (loss) distribution of the Company 
6.Depose the Supervisory Board members
7.Election of the members of Supervisory Board
8.Changes in the Company's Article  
9.Regarding put in soak (hypothecate) long-term property, which balance value
is out of 1/20 Company's authorized capital 

Accept 1st decision of agenda:
To approve the annual Company's report 2006.

Accept 2nd  decision of agenda:
To take account responses and suggestions of the Supervisory Board when voting
for approve the Company's financial statement 2006. 

Accept 3rd decision of agenda: 
To take account auditor's conclusions when voting for approve the Company's
financial statement 2006 

Accept 4th decision of agenda: 
To approve the Company's annual financial statement 2006”

Accept 5th  decision of agenda: 
To approve 2006 profit (loss) distribution of the Company (appended).

Accept 6th  decision of agenda:
Depose Sławomir Frąckowiak, Piotr Żehaluk, Bogusław Korneta, Dariusz Wijata
from the Supervisory Board members. 

Accept 7th  decision of agenda: 
Elect Mirosław Jędrzejczyk, Robert Oskard, Grzegorz Saniawa, Jerzy Karney the
members of  the Supervisory Board. 

Accept 8th  decision of agenda: 
1.To establish that the Supervisory board of the Company shall consist of tree
2.To amend clause 5.22 of the Statute of the Company and put it as follows:
“5.22. The Supervisory Board consisting of 3 (three) members, shall be elected
by the General meeting of shareholders for a period of four years. Quantity of
Supervisory Board member's cadence is unlimited. Chairman of Supervisory board
shall elect Supervisory Board from own members.” 
3. Bearing in mind the amendments of the Statute above, to adopt a new version
of the Statute of the Company (appended). 
4. To delegate the President of the Company to sign the new version of the
Statute on behalf of the Company and to submit the Statute for the registration
 in the Registry of Legal Persons. 

Accept 9th decision of agenda: 
To approve Management Board's decision to put in soak (hypothecate) long-term
property, which balance value is out of 1/20 Company's authorized capital. 

Juozas Raišelis
Ph.: +370 5 2317021


dk istatai 2007 04 18 pakeitimas.doc dk pl distribution.doc