Metsäliitto Group Interim Report January-March 2007

Metsäliitto Group's operating profit excluding non-recurring items
EUR 97 million in the first quarter

Non-recurring items totalled EUR -62 million

Result for the first quarter of 2007

  * Sales EUR 2,244 million (Q1/06: EUR 2,358 million). Sales were 5
    per cent down on the previous year because of divested and
    discontinued businesses. Comparable sales grew by 5 per cent.
  * Operating profit excluding non-recurring items EUR 97 million
    (Q1/06: EUR 82 million). Operating profit after non-recurring
    items EUR 35 million (Q1/06: EUR 82 million).
  * Result before tax and excluding non-recurring items was EUR 32
    million (Q1/06: EUR 45 million).

Events during the first quarter of the year

  * M-real's Sittingbourne fine paper mill in the UK was closed down
    in January. Fine paper machines 6 and 7 at Gohrsmühle in Germany
    were closed down in February. It was decided to close the Wifsta
    paper mill in Sweden by the end of June.
  * M-real sold 9 per cent of its Metsä-Botnia shares to Metsäliitto
    Cooperative for EUR 240 million.
  * Metsäliitto Cooperative decided to reform and streamline the
    organisation of Wood Supply in Finland. The existing area
    organisation will be abolished, while supply districts will be
    reinforced. The new organisation will be implemented as of 1
    January 2008.
  * M-real launched a restructuring programme aiming at an
    approximately EUR 40 million improvement in results from the
    operations in Finland, as of the beginning of 2009. Closures of
    entire production plants are not planned, but the number of
    personnel is estimated to drop by some 600 people, in addition to
    the programmes currently in progress."The first quarter showed that Metsäliitto Group is heading in the
right direction with its profitability improvement measures.
Meanwhile, however, the challenges from the operating environment are
increasing. In particular, energy prices and limited availability of
wood raw material will burden our productivity. The rapid changes in
the forest industry's operating environment can create the impression
of getting nowhere, despite impressive achievements and hard work."

Kari Jordan, President & CEO, Metsäliitto Group

Metsäliitto is the eigth largest forest industry group in the world
with sales of EUR 8.5 billion and 25,000 employees. Its five business
areas include wood supply, wood products industry, pulp, paper and
board, and tissue and cooking papers. The Group's parent company
Metsäliitto Cooperative and subsidiaries Metsä-Botnia, M-real and
Metsä Tissue operate in 30 countries.

Metsäliitto Group

| Income statement                     |   2007 |   2006 |   2006 |
| (EUR mill.)                          |    1-3 |    1-3 |   1-12 |
| Sales                                |  2 244 |  2 358 |  9 271 |
|   Other operating income             |     24 |     46 |    175 |
|   Operating expenses                 | -2 101 | -2 192 | -8 761 |
|   Depreciation and impairment losses |   -132 |   -130 |   -707 |
| Operating profit                     |     35 |     82 |    -22 |
|   Share of results in associates     |      2 |      0 |      6 |
|   Net exchange gains / losses        |     -5 |      8 |      6 |
|   Other financial income & expenses  |    -62 |    -45 |   -212 |
| Result before tax                    |    -30 |     45 |   -222 |
|   Income tax                         |    -19 |    -24 |    -37 |
| Result for the period                |    -49 |     20 |   -259 |

Metsäliitto Group

| Key figures                            |   2007 |   2006 |   2006 |
|                                        |    1-3 |    1-3 |   1-12 |
| Return on capital employed, %          |    2.8 |    5.4 |    0.1 |
|    - " -, excluding non-recurring      |    6.7 |    5.4 |    4.4 |
| items                                  |        |        |        |
| Return on equity, %                    |   -8.5 |    3.1 |  -10.3 |
|    - " -, excluding non-recurring      |    2.2 |    3.1 |    0.7 |
| items                                  |        |        |        |
| Equity ratio, %                        |   27.6 |   30.3 |   28.0 |
| Net gearing ratio, %                   |    157 |    143 |    150 |
| Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR  |  3 600 |  3 778 |  3 527 |
| mill.                                  |        |        |        |
| Capital expenditure, EUR mill.         |     96 |    168 |    744 |
| Personnel at end of period             | 24 296 | 28 890 | 25 007 |

Business areas

|Sales and Operating     |         |  Wood  |        |Paper and|Tissue |
|profit                  |  Wood   |Products|Pulp *) |  Board  |  and  |
|1-3/2007                |Supply   |Industry|Industry|Industry |Cooking|
|(EUR mill.)             |         |        |        |         |Papers |
|Sales                   |      408|     354|     357|    1 432|    213|
| Other operating income |        2|       2|       4|      155|      2|
| Operating expenses     |     -398|    -317|    -271|   -1 386|   -196|
| Depreciation &         |       -2|     -12|     -26|      -97|    -13|
|impairment losses       |         |        |        |         |       |
|Operating profit        |       10|      27|      64|      104|      6|

*) Represents 100%. The Metsäliitto Group consolidates 53% of the
Pulp Industry's figures.

The Interim Report is unaudited


INTERIM REPORT 1 January - 31 March 2007

Sales and result
As a result of divestments and discontinued businesses, the
Metsäliitto Group's sales fell by 5 per cent from the corresponding
period last year, amounting to EUR 2,244 million (2,358). Comparable
sales grew by 5 per cent.

Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 97 million
(82). Non-recurring items totalled EUR -62 million (0), of which EUR
43 million are cost provisions for mill closures at Sittingbourne and
Wifsta. EUR 16 million was entered as impairment losses due to
valuation of assets held for sale at expected selling price.

Operating profit after non-recurring items was EUR 35 million (82).

The Metsäliitto Group's net financial expenses were 3.0 per cent
(1.6) of sales in January-March. Financial income was EUR 6 million
(7), income from associates was EUR 2 million (0) and financial
expenses were EUR 68 million (51). Net exchange gains/losses were EUR
-5 million (+8).

Before non-recurring items, the result before tax was EUR 32 million
(45), and after non-recurring items EUR -30 million (+45). Taxes,
including the change in deferred tax liability, were EUR 19 million

The result for the period was EUR -49 million (+20), EUR +3 million
(+17) of which was attributable to the owners of the parent
cooperative and EUR -52 million (+4) to the minority interest.

The Group's return on capital employed was 2.8 per cent (5.4) and the
return on equity was
-8.5 per cent (3.1). Excluding non-recurring items, the Group's
return on capital employed was 6.7 per cent (5.4) and return on
equity was 2.2 per cent (3.1).

Balance sheet and financing
Metsäliitto Group's total liquidity was EUR 1.5 billion at the end of
March (31 December 2006: 2.0). Of this, EUR 0.2 billion (0.2) was in
terms of liquid assets and investments, and EUR 1.3 billion (1.8) in
binding credit-facility agreements not included in the balance sheet.
In addition, the Group can satisfy short-term financial needs with
non-binding commercial paper schemes in Finland and abroad as well as
credit lines amounting to EUR 0.8 billion.

The Group's equity ratio at the end of March was 27.6 per cent and
gearing ratio was 157 per cent (31 December 2006: 28.0% and 150%,
respectively). Interest-bearing net liabilities increased by EUR 73
million in the first quarter of the year and stood at EUR 3,600
million at the end of March (31 December 2006: 3,527).

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered M-real's long-term credit
rating from B+ to B in March. The outlook for the rating remained
negative. Correspondingly, Moody's Investors Services lowered
M-real's credit rating from B2 to B3. The outlook for the rating
shifted from negative to stable. The lowered ratings have an effect
of about EUR 5 million per year on   M-real's current financing

Metsäliitto Cooperative's members' capital grew by EUR 9.8 million in
January-March. The actual members' capital grew by EUR 1.0 million,
the additional members' capital A by EUR 7.8 million and the
additional members' capital B by EUR 1.0 million. At the end of
March, Metsäliitto Cooperative had 130,948 members (31 December 2006:

Metsäliitto Cooperative's Supervisory Board will make a proposal to
Metsäliitto Cooperative's Representative Council, convening on 24
April 2007, to decide to pay 6.0 per cent (6.5) of interest on the
members' capital, 5.0 per cent (5.5) on the additional members'
capital A and 3.5 per cent (4.0) on the additional members' capital B
for 2006. Thus, the interest on members' capital for 2006 would total
EUR 36.2 million (37.4).

The Metsäliitto Group employed an average of 24,522 (28,981) people
during the period. The reduction resulted from divestments and
restructuring. At the end of March, the number of personnel was
24,296 (31 December 2006: 25,007). The parent company Metsäliitto
Cooperative employed 3,164 people at the end of the period (31
December 2006: 3,158).

Investments, acquisitions and divestments
Metsäliitto Group's capital expenditure and corporate acquisitions
totalled EUR 96 million (168).

Capital expenditure
In February, Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry decided to build a
birch plywood processing line in Suolahti. It will start up at the
beginning of 2008. The new unit will employ some 20 people, and the
costs of the project are estimated to be EUR 15 million.

In January, M-real sold 9 per cent of its Metsä-Botnia shares to
Metsäliitto Cooperative for EUR 240 million and posted a gain of
about EUR 135 million. The gain is eliminated in the Metsäliitto
Group's financial statements.

Metsä-Botnia's Russian subsidiary Svir Timber acquired two Russian
harvesting companies. This enhances wood supply for the Svir Timber
sawmill and Metsä-Botnia's long-term strategy in Russia.

Pulp mill project in Uruguay
The Uruguay pulp mill investment is progressing as planned, and the
mill is scheduled to start up in the third quarter of 2007. At the
end of March, the project employed about 4,800 people. The training
and orientation programme for the process workers of the mill is
currently in progress.

Forestal Oriental S.A. (FOSA), a subsidiary of Botnia, has continued
to expand its planting and harvesting capacity. FOSA currently owns
about 160,000 hectares of land, 60 per cent of which is cultivated or
arable. In addition, long-term wood delivery agreements have been
signed with private forest owners and foundations.
Action plan
M-real's restructuring programme, published in October 2006, is
progressing as planned. In addition, in February M-real launched a
programme aiming at an approximately EUR 40 million improvement in
results from the operations in Finland, as of the beginning of 2009.
Closures of production plants are not planned, but the number of
personnel is estimated to drop by some 600 people, in addition to the
programmes currently in progress.

Metsäliitto Cooperation has decided to reform the organisation of
Wood Supply in Finland.  According to the plans, the procurement area
organisation as it exists in its present form will be abolished while
wood supply districts will be reinforced. The aim of the reform is to
simplify and streamline the organisation and to secure the supply of
wood raw material for the production plants competitively. The new
organisation will be implemented as of 1 January 2008.

Business areas

Wood Supply
Wood Supply sales in January-March were EUR 408 million (403), of
which Wood Supply Finland accounted for EUR 304 million (323).
Operating profit was EUR 10 million (10), of which Wood Supply
Finland accounted for EUR 8 million (8).

In Finland, wood trade had a brisk start early in the year. In
January-March, wood purchasing was at the planned level, and
Metsäliitto's market share was normal. Prices have been on the rise
for nearly all wood assortments.

In Russia, the competition for wood was hard, and warm weather had a
more pronounced negative effect on wood supply than in other regions.
Russia's announcement to raise export taxes caused disturbance in the
already tight market. In January-March, imports from Russia to
Finland amounted to 0.4 million cubic metres (0.6).

In the Baltic countries, supply was low in January, but the situation
returned to normal in February. Prices have remained high, both for
roundwood and chips.

In the Baltic Sea region, winter was nearly a third shorter than
normal, and deliveries to mills in Finland and Sweden did not quite
reach the planned level. Sufficient quantities of wood were supplied
to the mills, but stock levels were clearly below normal.

In Central Europe, storm damage gave a boost to the wood market, and
the mild winter weather relieved the pressure on prices generated by
fuel wood supply. Wood deliveries in France, Germany and Austria were
carried out as planned.

Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry
Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry's sales stood at EUR 354 million
(510), and operating profit was EUR 27 million (14). The decrease in
sales is due to divestments, particularly the divestment of Moelven
Industrier ASA, whose sales in the corresponding period last year
amounted to nearly EUR 200 million. Wood Products Industry's
comparable sales increased by about 14 per cent in the first quarter.

The demand for wood products has continued briskly, and for most
product categories the prices have been at an adequate level. In
addition to the market conditions, the improvement in performance is
attributable to Wood Products Industry's own development and
reinforcement measures.

In the current market conditions, the availability of logs has become
a key issue. During the first quarter, Metsäliitto's Wood Supply
succeeded in delivering nearly the planned quantities of raw
material, despite the problems due to weather and the reduced volume
of imported wood.

In the first quarter of the year, the most important investment
decision was the building of a processing plant for birch plywood in
Suolahti. Other investment decisions have related to machinery
investments that ensure competitiveness and cost-efficiency.

Pulp Industry
The sales of the Pulp Industry stood at EUR 357 million (316), and
operating profit was EUR 64 million (48). The improvement of sales
and operating profit compared with the corresponding period last year
resulted from a positive price development for pulp. The result was
negatively affected particularly by the nine per cent weakening of
the dollar against the euro and by the wood raw material price

The price for softwood pulp in Europe was USD 760 and for birch and
eucalyptus pulp USD 670. Foreign currency denominated market prices
for pulp were on average 23 per cent higher for softwood pulp and 10
per cent higher for hardwood pulp compared with last year's first

The pulp market remained stable during the first quarter of the year.
Both the manufacturers' and the customers' pulp stocks remained on a
normal level or below normal. Shortage of wood in the Nordic
countries, Russia, Central Europe and North America disturbed the
supplying of raw material, and many pulp mills experienced
involuntary production cuts. New eucalyptus pulp capacity came on the
market from Chile and Brazil.

M-real's result includes 30 per cent (Q1/06: 39%) of the pulp
industry's operating profit. Totally, 53 per cent of the figures for
the pulp industry are consolidated into Metsäliitto Group's financial

Paper and Board Industry
The Paper and Board Industry's sales totalled EUR 1,432 million
(1,441) and the operating profit excluding non-recurring items was
EUR 31 million (35).

The operating profit of M-real was affected negatively by the
weakened US dollar and increased pulpwood price, as well as
production losses at pulp mills, due to poorer availability of wood.
Compared with last year's corresponding period, the operating profit
was affected positively by the eight per cent price increase for
uncoated fine paper as well as the implemented cost improvement

The net amount of non-recurring items was EUR +73 million (0). The
EUR 135 million gain obtained from the selling of Metsä-Botnia shares
to Metsäliitto Cooperative was entered as non-recurring income. The
amount of entered non-recurring expenses totalled EUR 62 million. The
most important items were the EUR 14 million and EUR 29 million cost
provisions for the completion of mill closures at Sittingbourne and
Wifsta, respectively. In addition, EUR 16 million was entered as an
impairment loss due to valuation of assets held for sale at expected
selling price.

Operating profit after non-recurring items was EUR 104 million (35).

Financial income and expenses together totalled EUR -41 million
(-26), income from associates was EUR 0 million (-1) and net exchange
gains/losses booked in financial items were EUR -5 million (+8).

The result for the period before tax was EUR 58 million (16),
earnings per share were EUR 0.16 (0.01) and return on capital
employed was 9.6 per cent (3.4). Excluding non-recurring items, the
result was EUR -15 million (16), earnings per share were EUR -0.08
(0.01) and return on equity was 3.2 per cent (3.4).

At the end of March, equity ratio was 32.9 per cent and net gearing
114 per cent (31 December 2006: 30.9% and 126%, respectively).

Tissue and Cooking Paper Industry
Tissue and Cooking Paper Industry's sales stood at EUR 213 million
(181), and operating profit was EUR 6 million (5). In the first
quarter, comparable sales increased by about 5 per cent compared with
last year. Rise in selling prices and revision of product range
contributed to the growth. The share of volume growth was 0.4 per

The increase in the price of the most important raw material, pulp,
caused an additional cost of some EUR 3.5 million compared with the
previous year. However, the effects of higher raw material prices
were mainly compensated by successful price raises and improved sales
of own brands.

In Central Europe and Russia, the tissue paper markets are developing
more rapidly than other markets. The sales of the Slovakian tissue
paper company acquired in spring last year have developed as planned,
but the rise in raw material prices and the strengthened Slovak
koruna had a negative effect on profitability.

In autumn 2006, a sales organisation and warehouse were set up in
Moscow, and direct deliveries to consumers and the away-from-home
products were initiated. The business in Russia is developed to
enable local tissue paper processing.

Events after the review period
As part of the programme to improve the result of M-real's operations
in Finland, the company decided in April to close down paperboard
machine line 2 at the Tako board mill in Tampere. The line
manufactures folding boxboard and its capacity is 70,000 tonnes per
year. The paperboard machine is planned to be run down by the end of
July. According to the plans, the production of the closed line will
be transferred to M-real's other machines in Finland.

Outlook for the second quarter
Demand for wood in Finland is good for all wood assortments, and the
price level is record high. At the beginning of April, Metsäliitto
launched a campaign to promote thinning in summer. The rise in
Russian export taxes will have only a marginal effect on this year's
import volumes.

The second quarter prospects for wood products continue to be mainly
positive. Demand is expected to remain at a good level and product
prices are believed to continue rising moderately.

It seems that the pulp market will remain stable during the second
quarter of the year. There are still pressures to raise pulp prices,
and a 20 dollar increase in softwood pulp price has been announced
for the beginning of April.

The demand for fine paper and paperboard products is estimated to
continue high, and the demand for coated magazine paper is
anticipated to pick up somewhat from the earliest part of the year.
The efforts to raise the prices for uncoated fine paper will
continue. The market price for coated fine paper is also expected to
rise slightly in Europe. The price of folding boxboard will be raised
in mid-May, but prospects of increasing the prices of coated magazine
paper in near future are limited.

In the second quarter the supply of wood to the Group's mills will be
challenging. Disturbances in deliveries are possible at pulp mills as
well as at sawmills. The outcome will depend on the result of
purchasing and harvesting as well as transport conditions.

Metsäliitto Group's operating profit for the second quarter excluding
non-recurring items is predicted to remain below the first quarter's
result because of seasonal factors, increasing cost of wood and more
extensive maintenance shutdowns.

Espoo, 24 April 2007

Metsäliitto Group
Board of Directors

The Interim Report was prepared in accordance with IFRS requirements
for entry and valuation, but all the requirements of the IAS 34
standard were not met.

For further information, please contact:
Ilkka Pitkänen, Group CFO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 10 469 4260
Lauri Peltola, Group CCO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 50 570 5606


Income statement                      2007   2006          2006
(EUR mill.)                            1-3    1-3 Change   1-12
Sales                                2 244  2 358   -114  9 271
 Other operating income                 24     46    -22    175
 Materials and services             -1 449 -1 474     25 -6 037
 Employee costs                       -328   -361     33 -1 451
 Other operating expenses             -324   -357     33 -1 273
 Depreciation and impairment losses   -132   -130     -2   -707
Operating profit                        35     82    -47    -22
 Share of results in associates          2      0      2      6
 Net exchange gains / losses            -5      8    -13      6
 Other financial income                  6      9     -3     23
 Other financial expenses              -68    -54    -14   -235
Result before tax                      -30     45    -75   -222
 Income taxes                          -19    -24      5    -37
Result for the period                  -49     20    -70   -259

Attributable to
Owners of parent company                 3     17    -14    -25
Minority interest                      -52      4    -56   -234
                                       -49     20    -70   -259

Balance sheet                            2007  2006   2006
(EUR mill.)                             31.3. 31.3. 31.12.
Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                        616   849    617
 Tangible assets                        4 161 4 242  4 197
 Biological assets                         72    65     71
Financial assets
 Interest bearing                          52    46     52
 Deferred tax receivables                  85    86     77
 Other non-interest bearing               214   230    210
                                        5 200 5 518  5 225
Current assets
Inventories                             1 133 1 310  1 095
 Interest bearing                          37     9    145
 Non-interest bearing                   1 660 1 749  1 617
Cash and cash equivalents                 189   190    246
                                        3 019 3 259  3 103

Assets classified as held for sale         86     0    103

TOTAL                                   8 306 8 777  8 431

Members' funds                          1 297 1 354  1 289
Minority interest                         991 1 298  1 064
Total members' funds                    2 288 2 652  2 353

Non-current liabilities
 Deferred tax liabilities                 382   430    382
 Retirement benefit obligations           244   269    238
 Provisions                               110    70     91
 Interest bearing                       3 459 3 267  3 455
 Other non-interest bearing                56    85     56
                                        4 251 4 121  4 222
Current liabilities
 Interest bearing                         414   757    512
 Non-interest bearing                   1 321 1 247  1 314
                                        1 735 2 004  1 826

Total liabilities                       5 986 6 125  6 048

Liabilities classified as held for sale    31     0     30

TOTAL                                   8 306 8 777  8 431

Change in members' funds
                            Members'          Retained Minority
(EUR mill.)                  capital Reserves earnings interest Total
Members' funds Jan 1, 2006       558       74      696    1 317 2 646
Translation differences                             -4             -4
Dividends paid                                              -24   -24
Increase in members'               8        1                       9
Effects of financial                        4                       4
Other changes                                                 1     1
Result for the period                               17        4    20
Members funds' March 31,         566       79      709    1 298 2 652

Members' funds Jan 1, 2007       577       78      634    1 064 2 353
Translation differences                             -2             -2
Dividends paid                                              -12   -12
Increase in members'              10                               10
Effects of financial                       -3                      -3
Other changes                                                -8    -8
Result for the period                                3      -52   -49
Members funds' March 31,         587       75      635      991 2 288

Cash flow statement                         2007 2006 2006
(EUR mill.)                                  1-3  1-3 1-12
Cash flow from operations
Result for the period                        -49   20 -259
  Adjustments total                          248  168  928
  Change in working capital                  -75 -120  193
Cash generated from operations               123   68  863
  Finance costs, net                         -72  -29 -189
  Income taxes paid                          -39  -24  -54
Net cash from operations                      12   15  620

Cash flow from investments
 Acquisitions                                 -8  -50 -136
 Purchases of assets                         -88 -118 -608
 Sold assets and others                       -4   18   69
Net cash from investments                   -100 -150 -675

Cash flow from financing
 Increase in equity                           41   25   98
 Change in long-term loans and
 other financial items                         5  130   74
 Dividends paid                              -12  -24  -62
Net cash flow from financing                  34  131  110

Change in cash and cash equivalents          -55   -4   55

Cash at beginning of period                  248  194  194 Change in cash and cash equivalents         -55   -4   55
 Cash in assets classified as held for sale   -2        -1
Cash at end of period                        191  190  248


Consumer Packaging                      I/07 I/06 I-IV/06
Sales                                    236  257     971
EBITDA                                    50   50     154
Depreciation & impairment losses         -21  -23     -96
Operating profit                          29   27      58

Papers                                 I/07 I/06 I-IV/06
Sales                                   779  801   3 118
EBITDA                                   29   81     172
Depreciation & impairment losses        -58  -64    -388
Operating profit                        -29   17    -216

MAP Merchant Group                      I/07 I/06 I-IV/06
Sales                                    379  365   1 437
EBITDA                                     8    9      27
Depreciation & impairment losses          -1   -2     -69
Operating profit                           7    7     -42

Wood Products                            I/07 I/06 I-IV/06
Sales                                     354  510   2 045
EBITDA                                     39   32     173
Depreciation & impairment losses          -12  -18     -66
Operating profit                           27   14     107

EBITDA = Tulos ennen poistoja ja arvonalentumisia

Others                                       I/07 I/06 I-IV/06
Operating profit                                1   17      71
of which
   Wood Supply                                 10   12      44
   Tissue and Cooking Papers                    6    5      19
   Others and Group eliminations              -15    0       8

M-real includes 30% (39%) of the Pulp Industry's (Metsä-Botnia)
operating profit and Metsäliitto a further 23% (14%) in the business
segments Consumer Packaging and Papers.


1 000 units                       I/07  I/06  I-IV/06
Paper, t                         1 019 1 079    4 119
Paperboard, t                      311   299    1 121
Sawn goods, m3                     513 1 113    3 893
Processed timber, m3               116   302    1 179
EW products, m3                    223   247      935
Pulp & CTMP, t (M-real)            426   440    1 754
Pulp, t (Metsä-Botnia)             676   644    2 520

Quarterly data                         2007  2006  2006  2006  2006
(EUR mill.)                               I    IV   III    II     I
 Consumer Packaging                     236   241   236   237   257
 Papers                                 779   778   767   772   801
 MAP Merchant Group                     379   376   342   354   365
 Wood Products                          354   482   499   555   510
 Others & internal sales                496   475   402   396   425
Group sales                           2 244 2 352 2 246 2 314 2 358

Operating profit
 Consumer Packaging                      29     5    21     5    27
 Papers                                 -29  -176     7   -64    17
 MAP Merchant Group                       7   -59     3     7     7
 Wood Products                           27    46    21    26    14
 Others                                   1    24    16    14    17
Group operating profit                   35  -160    68   -11    82
   - % of sales                         1.6  -6.8   3.0  -0.5   3.5

 Share of results
 in associates                            2     2     2     2     0
 Net exchange gains / losses             -5     0     4    -6     8
 Other fin. income & expenses           -62   -62   -60   -45   -45
Result before tax                       -30  -220    14   -60    45
 Income taxes                           -19     9   -21    -1   -24
Result for the period                   -49  -211    -7   -61    20

                                           I/07  I/06 I-IV/06
Book value at beginning of period         4 197 4 256   4 256
Company acquisitions                          -     2      92
Increase                                     85   133     693
Decrease                                     -4   -17    -600
Depreciation and impairment charges        -110  -120    -530
Assets classified as held for sale            -     -     -28
Translation differences and other changes    -8   -12     315
Book value at end of period               4 161 4 242   4 197

For own liabilities                332  353   408
On behalf of associated companies    3    2     5
On behalf of others                  2   20     3
Total                              337  375   416

Payments due under 1 year          182  136   195
Payments due in subsequent years    17   66    20

Interest rate derivatives 2 402 2 377
Currency derivatives      3 275 3 838
Other derivatives           188   173
Total                     5 865 6 387

The market value of open derivative contracts at the end of the
review period was EUR -9 million (31.12.2005: EUR -4 million).

Open derivative contracts also include closed contracts to a total
amount of EUR 567 million (31.12.2006: EUR 871 million).