The Eastern High Court's judgement regarding compulsory redemption of the minority shareholdings in TDC A/S

Today, the Eastern High Court has delivered its judgement in the action brought
by ATP against TDC A/S and Nordic Telephone Company ApS (“NTC”) and in the
action brought by TDC A/S against the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency
(“DCCA”) regarding compulsory redemption of the minority shareholdings in TDC

The court has found for ATP's and the DCCA's claims that the provisions in the
Articles of Association regarding compulsory redemption for the benefit of NTC
which were adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting in TDC A/S on February
28, 2006, are invalid and cannot be registered with the DCCA. 

TDC will now examine the judgement and thereafter decide on a possible appeal
to the Supreme Court. 

The judgement may be appealed to the Supreme Court within a time-limit of 8
weeks from today. 

For further information please contact TDC Investor Relations on +45 6663 7680. 

Noerregade 21
0900 Copenhagen C


release 19-2007 the eastern high courts judgement regarding compulsory redemption of the minority shareholdings in tdc as.pdf