The annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Starman held 15 June 2007

1. Approval of the 2006 Consolidated Annual Report of AS Starman. 
To approve the 2006 Consolidated Annual Report of AS Starman.  

2. Approval of the proposal for the distribution of profit 
To approve the proposal for distribution of profit of the year 2006 of AS
Starman as follows: 
* Retained earnings from previous years 21 726 thousand EEK.
* Net profit for 2006 43 958 thousand EEK.
* Cumulative retained earnings as of 31.12.2006 65 684 thousand EEK.
* Transfer to mandatory reserve 2 198 thousand EEK.
* Net dividends to be paid to the shareholders 9 137 thousand EEK.
* To leave the residual retained earnings undistributed. Retained earnings
after dividend payment is 54 349 thousand EEK. 

Net dividends payable form approximately 20% of the 2006 net profit and are
equal to 0.70 EEK (approximately 0.045 EUR) per share. 
The list of shareholders entitled to receive dividends will be fixed at 23:59
pm on 29.06.2007. Dividends will be paid out on 06.07.2007. 

3. Appointment of the auditor 
To appoint Ernst & Young Baltic AS (business registry code 10877299, located at
Rävala pst. 4, Tallinn, Estonia, listed in the auditors list under No 58) as
the auditor of Starman AS for the year 2007 and to compensate them according to
the agreement to be made between the auditors and the Management Board of AS

4. Amendment of the Articles of Association 
To amend clause 2.4 of the articles of association of AS Starman and phrase it
as follows: “The Supervisory Board of the Company (hereinafter: “the Board”) is
up until 15.06.2010 entitled to increase the share capital of the Company by 6
900 000 (six million nine hundred thousand) Estonian kroons to 137 435 700 (one
hundred thirty seven million four hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred)
Estonian kroons.” 
Additional information:
Henri Treude
Marketing Director
Phone: 6779 977