Pöyry has been awarded a contract by SEPASAD Engineering Co. for the contractors engineering services during the implementation of the Rudbar-e-Lorestan hydropower project in Iran. The value of the assignment amounts to about EUR 7 million.
The project site is located in the Zagros Mountains in the upper reach of the Dez catchment. The Rudbar-e-Lorestan dam and hydropower project will consist of a 180 m high roller compacted concrete dam to create a reservoir with an estimated gross capacity of 228 million m3. Water from the reservoir will be diverted through a 3 km long headrace tunnel into the adjacent valley and hence in twin surface steel penstocks down to the power house on the bank of the Alkan river, developing a design gross head of 442 m and 450 MW total installed capacity.
Pöyry has been active in the hydro and thermal power market in Iran since 1974. For this project Pöyry has performed various previous technical studies. Pöyry's current assignment encompasses the construction design and support during construction for the dam and headrace tunnel. These services will be performed from the hydropower competence centres in Zurich and Salzburg together with Pöyry's local Iranian design office.
Pöyry is a global consulting and engineering firm focusing on the energy, forest industry and infrastructure & environment sectors. Pöyry's net sales in 2006 amounted to about EUR 620 million and it employs 6400 experts.
Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen
President and CEO
Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO
Additional information by:
Vilho Salovaara, President Hydropower, Energy Business Group, Espoo, Finland
Tel. +358 10 33 24359
Knut Sierotzki, Director Hydropower Asia-Pacific, Pöyry Energy AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41 76 356 2808
Helsinki Stock Exchange
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