Taru Keronen, Msc. (Econ.) has been appointed Managing Director of Area Travel  
Agency Ltd from 1 October 2007. The current Managing Director Juhani Suomela,   
61, will transfer to the position of senior adviser until the end of 2007 when
he will retire. 

Taru Keronen is a 41-year-old experienced travel professional. Since 2004 she   
has worked as Managing Director of Eckerö Line and before that she worked in the
S Group in various hotel management related positions. Keronen's core           
competences include company strategic planning, customer analyses and customer  
management systems, travel production and sales management as well as delivery  
chain management.                                                               

“I am interested in the transformation of the travel agencies' role to an expert
travel management partner for companies. Area has seen that this offers many    
development opportunities. I want to be involved in this development. In        
addition Area's resources, strong professional competence and focus on new,     
electronic service products on both leisure and business travel made this       
position attractive for me,” Keronen said.                                      

Area is a full service travel agency and the America Express travel agency chain
representative in Finland. Area is one of Finland's leading business travel     
agencies and a forerunner in electronic leisure travel services.                

Finnair Plc                                                                     

Additional information:                                                         
Taru Keronen tel. +358 50 66 209                                                
Juhani Suomela, Managing Director, Area, tel. +358 10 818 9010