TriZetto Is First to Market With New Suite of Healthwise Information Therapy Products:

Self-Management of Asthma, Diabetes, COPD, and More Takes a Huge Step Forward

BOISE, ID--(Marketwire - June 19, 2007) - Healthwise today announces an agreement with The TriZetto Group Inc. (NASDAQ: TZIX) that takes health care consumer engagement to an exciting new level. The two companies now offer to health plans groundbreaking information therapy programs to help their members manage complex, high-cost health issues. Key Campaigns and Smart Campaigns deployed with TriZetto's Personal CareAdvance® care management platform include content from Healthwise, the organization that wrote the book on information therapy.

Smart Campaigns deliver individually-tailored information prescriptions to help people master their health conditions. These relevant messages -- delivered regularly throughout the year -- are matched to each person's needs and preferences based on their health conditions, treatment history, demonstrated knowledge, and expressed motivation. The content is uniquely compelling, too, including surveys, personal stories, recipes, and to-know lists -- all aimed at actively engaging consumers.

"These campaigns deliver information therapy at its best. People receive just the information they need, at just the right time, to help them take action," said Donald W. Kemper, Healthwise founder and CEO. "We expect the campaigns to help close some of the major quality gaps that now exist in chronic care. What people can do to manage their asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or depression will be remarkably clear."

When health plans implement these campaigns, they are following the three simple but important rules of the Healthwise® Ix® Solution: 1) Help people do as much for themselves as they can, 2) Help people get the care that they need, and 3) Help people say "no" to the care that is not right for them.

Picture this: A health plan's data shows that a woman -- let's call her Marcella -- has been diagnosed with asthma. That triggers the Asthma Smart Campaign. Marcella receives an initial message asking about the diagnosis, and based on her responses and her desire to learn more, she enrolls in an on-going program that sends "digestible" bits of information to her during the year. Her first module is New Diagnosis. Soon, as the data sources learn more about Marcella, new modules may be introduced, including Overuse of Rescue Medicine, Uncontrolled Asthma, Asthma and Allergies, Asthma and Stress, Asthma and Pregnancy, Seasonal Issues, Nocturnal Asthma, and Asthma and Quitting Smoking.

There will be Smart Campaigns for Asthma, COPD, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, Type 2 Diabetes, Arthritis, Depression, Headaches, Low Back Pain, Pregnancy, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Prediabetes, Smoking, and Back Pain Prevention.

Key Campaigns provide health plan members with information prescriptions directly related to their current health issues. These campaigns cover over 450 health issues and medical tests. If Marcella were to get blood work done, for example, the health plan's data sources would trigger a brief information prescription to her saying that her records show a recent blood test. The message would link her to in-depth information in the Healthwise Knowledgebase about the test, why it's done, and how to interpret the results.

"Reducing costs and increasing member satisfaction are priorities many payers face," said TriZetto's Cost and Quality of Care President Gene Drabinski. "Our new agreement with Healthwise helps address these issues by combining TriZetto's leading care management and information technology solutions with Healthwise's evidence-based consumer health information."

About Healthwise

Healthwise is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help people make better health decisions. Nearly 100 million times a year, people turn to Healthwise information to learn how to do more for themselves, ask for the care they need, and say "no" to the care they don't need. Healthwise partners with health plans, hospitals, disease management companies, and health Web sites to provide up-to-date, evidence-based information to the people they serve. To learn more about the Healthwise Information Therapy (Ix®) Solution, visit or call 1.800.706.9646.

Contact Information: Healthwise Contact: Brenda Foster Phone: 208.331.6963 E-mail: