Film Fund

Europeinvestment A/S
(formerly Live Networks Holding A/S)
CVR no. 10435013
c/o Inwema ApS
Kongevejen 53, DK-2840  Holte
Telephone  0046 8 545 00140

Stock Exchange Notification 2007-06-19

Re.:  Film Fund

By stock exchange notification of 18 April 2007 Europeinvestment A/S notified
that it had entered into a Film Fund Agreement with Europe Vision Plc., by
which agreement each of the parties had agreed to make available up to a
maximum amount of € 2.5 million during the next 12 months. 

Europeinvestment A/S hereby notifies the first project for the film fund which
will be a major new motion picture involving financing and expertise from
Hollywood, Morocco, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates. 

The film is called “The Message” and will tell the story of Islam. The
producer, Castro Khatib, has secured conditional financing commitments to
ensure a projected budget of € 138 million. 

This is the first film to have been developed under the co-funding agreement
with Europe Vision Plc. The film budget includes repayment of the amount
invested by the film fund, plus 50 %. Upon repayment of this amount, the other
rights to the film will belong to the parties financing the film. 

Other projects, like Sebastian's Love, continue in development.

The total investment by the joint film fund has been provided by Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. in accordance with the Loan Facility Agreement with
Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. also described in the stock exchange
notification dated 18 April 2007. 

Notification from Europe Vision Plc

The film will be co-produced by Europe Vision Plc (a company in which company
Europeinvestment A/S owns 34,661,750 shares, corresponding to 25.1 % of the
share capital). 

By AIM notification of today's date, Europe Vision Plc has notified the
following additional information about Europe Vision Plc's participation in the

Europe Vision Plc will invest production and location services from the Studio
and locations facility that it manages in Marrakech, Morocco and in which
Europe Vision Plc has a 11 % interest. Europe Vision Plc will receive a
co-producer fee of € 3 million payable during shooting. 

Commenting on the announcement Europe Vision's Chairman, David Lowe, said: “We
are delighted to be co-producing this important film of enormous current
interest. The deal will deliver key content to the distribution network we are
assembling. The Message will be one of four films that the Morocco Film City
development will facilitate in the next 12 months. Part of our management deal
is that we recieve Scandinavian rights without charge for all of these films
including The Message.” 

Castro Khatib said: “This is a major ‘event' project. The financial backing
from all denominations of investors in Europe and the UAE means that we can
approach the very best Hollywood talent. Right now we are targeting the likes
of Academy Award winner, Martin Scorsese, to work with us on the script and
casting. We will start shooting in Morocco and the UAE next spring.” 

The notification from Europe Vision Plc has not caused the Board of Directors
of Europeinvestment A/S to change its view as to the realistic net proceeds in
connection with Europeinvestment A/S' sale of its shares in Europe Vision Plc. 

Questions may be made to managing director Castro Khatib at telephone 0046 8
545 00140. 

Europeinvestment A/S