Outotec wins several aluminum technology orders in China

From April to June of 2007, Outotec has won four aluminum technology orders from Chinese aluminum smelters who have decided to improve the environment and energy-saving features in their plants.
The first contract Outotec signed with Gansu Hualu Aluminum Co. Ltd. in Gansu Province, China for the supply of one turntable anode vibrocompactor to replace the old one. Another turntable anode vibrocompactor will be delivered for one customer's carbon plant expansion project.
The third contract was a repeat order with Henan Wanji Aluminum Co. Ltd. for the supply of two sow casting systems.
Outotec was awarded the fourth order by Qingtongxia Qingxin Fangyuan Carbon Co. Ltd., which belongs to Qingtongxia Aluminium Group Co. Ltd. in Ningxia Province, to supply one vibrocompactor for the expansion of graphitized cathode production.
All the three vibrocompactors will be delivered from Germany before June 2008. As for the two sow casting systems, key components will be delivered from Canada, while most of the steel components will be fabricated in China. The sow casting systems are expected to be installed and commissioned before February 2008.
For further information, please contact:
Outotec GmbH
Dr. Wolfgang Sitte, Senior Sales Manager, Aluminum Technologies
Tel: +49 2203 9921322
E-mail: wolfgang.sitte(at)outotec.com
Outotec (Canada) Ltd.
Michael A. Ren, Business Development Manager, Aluminum Technologies
Tel: +1 905 335 0002
E-mail: michael.ren(at)outotec.com
Outotec Oyj
Eila Paatela, Vice President - Corporate Communications
Tel. +358 20 529 2004, mobile +358 400 817198
E-mail: eila.paatela(at)outotec.com
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