TDC divests its 15% ownership share in the Austrian mobile company ONE

Today, TDC A/S announces that the company's Danish subsidiary TDC Mobile
International A/S (“TDC”) has agreed to divest, together with the other
shareholders, the Austrian mobile company ONE to a consortium of Mid Europe
Partners and France Telecom. Signing of the Share Purchase Agreement is planned
to take place no later than June 28, 2007. TDC holds 15% of the shares in the
company and the other shareholders are E.on, Telenor and Orange. The sale is
only subject to approval from the EU competition authorities and the Austrian
Telecom Control Authority. Furthermore, the sale needs to be notified to the
Austrian Financial Markets Authority. 

The total consideration is EUR 1.4bn on a cash and debt free basis - TDC's
share amounts to EUR 213m. The sale of the shares is currently expected to
result in an after tax gain of approximately DKK 1.2bn, which will be included
in the 3Q 2007 statement of income as special items related to income from
associates and joint ventures. 

For further information please contact TDC Investor Relations on +45 6663 7680. 

Noerregade 21
0900 Copenhagen C


release 21-2007 tdc divests its 15 percent ownership share in the austrian mobile company one.pdf