LifeCycle Pharma Forms Scientific Advisory Board in Solid Organ Transplantation

Investor Service Announcement no. 4/2007                                        

To OMX Nordic Exchange	   Hørsholm, Denmark, 21 June 2007 

LifeCycle Pharma Forms Scientific Advisory Board in Solid Organ Transplantation 

Expands U.S. Clinical Development Operations With Appointment of Senior Director
of Medical and Clinical Research and Director of Medical Affairs Transplantation

Summary: LifeCycle Pharma has established a Scientific Advisory Board for its   
transplantation programs. In addition, LifeCycle Pharma announces the expansion 
of its United States (U.S.) clinical development department with the addition of
Drs. Rob Gordon and Larry Chodoff                                               

Denmark, Hørsholm, 21 June 2007; LifeCycle Pharma A/S (OMX:LCP) today announced 
the formation of an international Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of experts in 
the field of organ transplantation. The SAB will provide counsel to the         
company's management team as LifeCycle Pharma expands its development programs  
within the area of solid organ transplantation.                                 

The SAB consists of six internationally recognized thought leaders from the U.S.
and Europe, including:                                                          

Dr. Rita R. Alloway, Director of Transplant Clinical Research, University of    
Dr. Klemens Budde, Medical Director of Transplantation, Charite University      
Hospital, Berlin                                                                
Dr. Robert S. Gaston, Medical Director of Kidney & Pancreas Transplantation,    
University of Alabama, Birmingham                                               
Dr. Josep M. Grinyo, Chief, Division of Nephrology, University Hospital of      
Bellvitge, Barcelona                                                            
Dr. John R. Lake, Director, Gastroenterology Division, University of Minnesota, 
Dr. Marc D. Pescovitz, Professor of Surgery and Microbiology/Immunology, Indiana
University Medical Center, Indianapolis                                         

"As LifeCycle Pharma advances its product portfolio within organ                
transplantation, the Scientific Advisory Board will provide an instrumental role
in guiding our research and development programs," said Dr. Flemming Ornskov,   
President and CEO of LifeCycle. “We have attracted established, and highly      
respected members of the transplantation field who will play a pivotal role in  
LifeCycle Pharma bringing innovation to this disease area,” added Dr. Orsnkov.  

In addition, LifeCycle Pharma has strengthened its clinical development         
capabilities in the U.S. with the addition of Drs. Robert Gordon, as Senior     
Director of Medical and Clinical Research, and Larry Chodoff, as Director of    
Medical Affairs Transplantation.                                                

Dr. Gordon is an internationally respected transplant surgeon who has spent more
then 30 years in academia and industry.  He was a member of the team that was   
headed by the world renowned transplant surgeon, Dr. Thomas Starzl, at the      
University of Colorado and the University of Pittsburgh.  From 1992 until he    
moved to industry, Dr. Gordon was Professor of Surgery and Director of the Liver
Transplant Service at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.  Most      
recently, Dr. Gordon was the Senior Medical Director for Transplantation at     
Roche Laboratories in Nutley, New Jersey.                                       

After 17 years of practice at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, New   
York, Dr. Larry Chodoff joined Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation in 1997, as 
Associate Director of Clinical Research, managing global research and           
development programs in organ transplantation and autoimmune diseases.   Prior  
to joining LifeCycle Pharma, Dr. Chodoff held the position of Medical Liaison in
Transplantation and Immunology at Roche Laboratories.  Dr. Chodoff received his 
Pharm.D. from the University of the Pacific School of Pharmacy in 1979.         

“Their combined experience of more than 50 years of working within the area of  
organ transplantation will be a great asset for LifeCycle Pharma as our         
LCP-Tacro program enters Phase II clinical trials,” said Dr. Michael Beckert,   
Chief Medical Officer at LifeCycle Pharma, who will oversee the responsibilities
of Drs. Rob Gordon and Larry Chodoff.                                           

About LCP-Tacro:                                                                
Tacrolimus is a leading immunosuppressive medication to prevent rejection after 
organ transplantation. LCP-Tacro is being developed as a once-daily tablet      
version of tacrolimus, with improved bioavailability and reduced variability;   
compared to both Astellas' twice daily version of tacrolimus (Prograf®), and its
modified-release version of tacrolimus for organ transplants. This is expected  
to represent significant improvements for patients.                             
Transplant patients need to maintain a minimum level of tacrolimus in the blood 
to prevent organ rejection, but too high levels increase the risk of serious    
side effects such as, kidney damage or hypertension. Therefore, tacrolimus      
levels need to be managed carefully. Transplant patients are typically obliged  
to make frequent visits to the hospital for monitoring and dose adjustments for 
months after receiving a new organ. Management of the tacrolimus levels is      
complicated by the low bioavailability of Prograf®, its variable absorption, and
its interaction with food and other drugs.                                      

For further information please contact:                                         
LifeCycle Pharma A/S                                                            
Michael Wolff Jensen                                                            
Executive Vice President and CFO                                                
Tel. +45 40 74 62 44                                                            


About LifeCycle Pharma A/S:                                                     
LifeCycle Pharma, headquartered in Hørsholm, Denmark, is an emerging            
pharmaceutical company with a broad and late stage product pipeline in          
therapeutic areas of cholesterol management, hypertension, organ transplant and 
autoimmune diseases. LifeCycle Pharma's proprietary technology platform,        
MeltDose® technology, offers lower dosing, reduced side effects and improved    
safety and patient compliance, as well as reduced product development time and  
development costs. LifeCycle Pharma is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange under  
the trading symbol (LCP). Please visit for further information 
about LifeCycle Pharma A/S.


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