Higher premium growth in 2007, revised return policy and Capital

TrygVesta - Higher premium growth in 2007, revised return policy and Capital    
Markets Day                                                                     

Higher premium growth in 2007                                                   
TrygVesta increases the premium growth in 2007 to 3.3% in local                 
currency from previously 3.0%. A change to Danish workers                       
compensation legislation and subsequent price increases from July 1,            
2007 is the reason for the higher premium growth. Apart from higher             
premium growth the Outlook for 2007 is reaffirmed a.o. the combined             
ratio is expected at 89 and pre-tax profit is expected at DKK 2.7bn.            
The medium term expectation is also reaffirmed i.e. a combined ratio            
of 90-92 and a return on equity after tax of 19-21%.                            

Stock buy back to be part of the dividend policy                                
TrygVesta revises the dividend policy and going forward the cash                
payout ratio will be 50% of the annual result after tax plus stock              
buy backs for additional surplus capital. Previously the annual                 
distribution to shareholders was cash dividend only. The revised                
dividend policy becomes effective with the cash distribution for                
fiscal 2007. In the presentation material for the Capital Markets Day           
the revised dividend policy is explained in greater detail.                     

Capital Markets Day                                                             
TrygVesta's Capital Markets Day (CMD) is held in Ballerup, Denmark              
today. The purpose of the CMD is to furnish institutional investors             
and analysts TrygVesta's performance, market environment, strategy,             
overall actions plans and financial targets."TrygVesta wants to be perceived as 
the leading "peace of mind"                                                     
provider in the Nordic region and going forward we see new                      
opportunities in the "peace of mind" concept. This is our first                 
Capital Markets Day and a good occasion to update analysts and                  
institutional investors on our performance, opportunities and                   
challenges" says Stine Bosse, CEO.                                              

Presentations used at today's CMD are available at www.trygvesta.com            
/ investor relations in the morning. In the afternoon, a webcast                
recording of the CMD will be available the same place.                          

For further information visit www.trygvesta.com or contact;                     
Investor Relations Director                                                     
Ole Søeberg. Phone +45 44 20 45 20 and e-mail ole.soeberg@tryg.dk               

Investor Relations Manager                                                      
Lars Møller. Phone +45 44 20 45 17 and e-mail lars.moeller@tryg.dk              

Financial calendar 2007                                                         
Q2 2007 - 16 August 2007                                                        
Q3 2007 - 23 November 2007                                                      

TrygVesta comprises  Tryg,  Denmark's largest  general  insurer,  and           
TrygVesta, Norway's  third largest  general  insurer. The  Group  has           
carried out insurance operations in Finland since 2002 and in  Sweden           
since 2006 and is the  second-largest general insurance group in  the           
Nordic region. TrygVesta has some 3,800 employees.                              

Our insurance products provide peace of mind every day to more than 2           
million private customers  and more  than 100,000  businesses in  the           
Nordic region. The  great majority  of our  products are  distributed           
through our own strong distribution channels.                                   

We also have a strong strategic  partnership with Nordea, one of  the           
largest financial  services provider  in  the Nordic  region.  Nordea           
sells our  insurances through  their branches  throughout the  Nordic           
region, and we sell Nordea's life insurance and pension products.


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