Changes in the Statkraft board

(Oslo, 25 June 2007) First Confederal Secretary Ellen Stensrud, CEO Egil Nordvik and Project Director Berit Johanne Rødseth were elected to the board of directors of Statkraft SF and Statkraft AS at an ordinary general meeting of Statkraft SF held today. They will succeed Gunn Wærsted, Olav Fjell and Marit Büch-Holm.
Ellen Stensrud is First Confederal Secretary in The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), where her main responsibilities include industrial democracy and trade- and industry policy. Stensrud has been a union representative since 1986 and an elected member of LO management since 2001. She has served on a number of committees and boards, including at Arbeiderbladet and Statoil.
Egil Nordvik is CEO of Rana Gruber AS, where he has held a number of management positions since 1981. He serves on several boards, including at Norvag AS (the Euroskilt Group), SMA-Nordland (Svenska Mineral) and A/S Bleikvassli Gruber Entreprenør, where he is board chair.
Berit Rødseth is Project Director at Moelven Industrier ASA. She was previously a director at the sawmill operator Nössemark Trä AB. Rødseth is a trained agronomist and took over the family farm at the age of twenty. She also has financial training.
Statkraft SF's and Statkraft AS's board of directors now comprises:
The following employee-elected members also serve on the board: 
The Statkraft Group is a leading player in Europe within renewable energy. The Group generates hydropower, wind power and district heating and constructs gas power plants in Norway and Germany. Statkraft is a major player on the European energy exchanges. In Norway the company supplies electricity and heat to around 600,000 customers through its shareholdings in other companies. In 2006 Statkraft recorded a profit after tax of NOK 6.3 billion, and employed more than 2,100 employees in eight countries. The world needs pure energy. Statkraft works to deliver this every day.
For further information, please contact: 
EVP Ragnvald Nærø, tel.: +47 24 06 71 00/ +47 900 80 303