PTA: Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of 25.06.2007

The Management Board of PTA Grupp AS (reg. code 10175491, seat Akadeemia tee
33, Tallinn, hereinafter also as the “Company”) hereby notifies that there were
26 214 022 votes (69.08% of total votes represented by the shares of the
Company) represented at the General Meeting of Shareholders which took place on
June 25, 2007 at the seat of the Company at Akadeemia tee 33 in Tallinn,
Republic of Estonia. 

The General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the following resolutions:

1.	Approval of the annual report for 2006

The General Meeting of Shareholder of the Company decided:
To approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 01.01.2006 -

Tabulation of votes:
In favour:	26 214 022 votes	100,0 % of the votes represented at the meeting   
Against: 		0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Impartial:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Did not vote:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   

2.	Increasing the share capital and excluding the pre-emptive right of the
shareholders to subscribe for the new shares 

The General Meeting of Shareholders decided to increase the share capital on
the following conditions: 

1)	To increase the share capital of PTA Grupp AS by an issue of new shares and
to issue 2,052,802 (two million fifty-two thousand eight hundred and two) new
common shares of PTA Grupp AS with the nominal value of ten (10) Estonian
kroons per share, as a result whereof the share capital will be increased by
20,528,020 (twenty million five hundred twenty-eight thousand and twenty)
Estonian kroons. As a result of the increase of the share capital, the new
amount of the share capital will be 400,000,000 (four hundred million) Estonian
kroons (unless not all new shares are subscribed during the subscription period
and non-subscribed shares are cancelled by the Management Board of the

2)	To grant the pre-emptive right to subscribe for all the new shares only to
SIA Alta Capital Partners (limited liability company incorporated under the
laws of the Republic of Latvia, reg. code 40003682396, address Rigas rajons,
Marupes pagasts, Marupe, Karla Ulmana gatve 119, 2 stavs, LV-2167, Latvia). By
granting the pre-emptive right to subscribe for shares only to SIA Alta Capital
Partners, the pre-emptive right of all the shareholders of PTA Grupp AS to
subscribe for the new shares to be issued is hereby excluded. SIA Alta Capital
Partners is entitled to assign the rights and obligations of the subscriber to
third person under § 2261 of the Commercial Code or to dispossess and transfer
the pre-emptive right to subscribe for the new shares to third persons (on the
same conditions as a transfer of share) under § 345 lg 11 of the Commercial

3)	The new shares can be subscribed for during the period from July 15, 2007 to
August 15, 2007 (included) at the seat of the Company at the address Akadeemia
tee 33, Tallinn, Republic of Estonia or by submission of a respective written
request to the Management Board of the Company. The Management Board of the
Company is hereby entitled to extend the period of subscription or cancel the
shares that will not be subscribed for within the period of subscription. The
Management Board can exercise said rights within 15 days after the end of the
subscription period (§ 347 (3) of the CC). 

4)	If by the increase of the share capital, shares will be subscribed to the
full extent of the increase of the share capital, the Supervisory Board of the
Company may decide to end the subscription for the shares before the expiry of
the term set out in the resolution on the increase of the share capital. 

5)	The new shares shall be issued at a premium, which will be determined by the
Supervisory Board under § 342 7) of the Commercial Code before the commencement
of the subscription period, whereas the minimum amount of the share premium is
at least 52.5864 Estonian kroons per share. The issue price per share shall be
equal to the nominal value of the share (i.e. 10 Estonian kroons per share)
together with the share premium determined by the Supervisory Board. 

6)	The new shares shall be paid for by monetary contributions by making
transfer to the bank account of the Company. The monetary contributions shall
be transferred to the bank account of the Company not later than by the end of
the subscription period, i.e. by August 15, 2007 (included). Should the
Management Board of the Company decide to extend the subscription period
pursuant to § 347 (3) of the CC, the term of transfer of the monetary
contributions to the Company shall extend up until the end of the subscription

7)	The new shares will entitle the shareholders to receive dividends for the
financial year which started on January 1, 2007. 

Tabulation of votes:
In favour:	26 214 022 votes	100,0 % of the votes represented at the meeting   
Against: 		0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Impartial:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Did not vote:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   

3.	Election of the auditor of PTA Grupp AS and determining the auditor's
remuneration procedure 

The General Meeting of Shareholders decided:

1)	To elect KPMG Baltics AS (reg. code 10096082) to serve as the auditor of PTA
Grupp AS; 

2)	To determine the auditor's remuneration procedure in accordance with the
valid price list and price offer of KPMG Baltics AS. 

Tabulation of votes:
In favour:	26 214 022 votes	100,0 % of the votes represented at the meeting   
Against: 		0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Impartial:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Did not vote:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   

4.	Procedures regarding possible listing of shares of the Company on the
Warszawa Stock Exchange 

The General Meeting of Shareholders decided:

For authorizing the Management Board to conduct a public offering, to seek
admission and introduction of shares, and rights to shares, to trading on the
regulated market in Poland, to register the shares (and rights to shares) with
the National Depository for Securities, and for authorizing the Management
Board to conclude an agreement with the National Depository for Securities and
authorising to conclude underwriting agreements, the Management Board of the
Company shall be authorized as follows: 

1)	The Management Board is hereby authorized to take any and all steps
necessary to conduct an offering of shares by way of a public offering in

2)	The Management Board is hereby authorised to seek the admission and
introduction to trading on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange,
the existing shares, newly issued shares and rights to newly issue shares, as
well as to effect any and all necessary actions in connection therewith. 

3)	The Management Board is hereby authorized to conclude an agreement with the
National Depository for Securities concerning the registration the shares with
National Depository for Securities in dematerialized form, and to take any and
all other necessary actions. 

4)	The Management Board is hereby authorized to conclude underwriting agreement
on terms and conditions decided by the Management Board. 

5)	To approve the activities of the Management Board of the Company carried out
before this General Meeting regarding possible listing of shares on the
Warszawa Stock Exchange. 

Tabulation of votes:
In favour:	26 214 022 votes	100,0 % of the votes represented at the meeting   
Against: 		0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Impartial:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   
Did not vote:	0 votes	0% of the votes represented at the meeting   

Peeter Larin
Member of the Management Board
PTA Grupp AS 
Reg. code 10175491
Akadeemia tee 33, Tallinn
Tel. +372 6 710 700