07-03-05 BioGaia signs new agreement with Semper

Press release                                                                   
5 March 2007                                                                    

                    BioGaia signs new agreement with Semper                     

BioGaia AB has signed an agreement with Semper AB which gives Semper the rights 
to add Lactobacillus reuteri in gruel products in the Nordic markets.           

BioGaia´s patented probiotic, Lactobacillus reuteri, balances the gut flora in  
children and has been shown in clinical trials to have strong positive effects. 

A study performed by Professor Weizman in Israel that was published in the      
medical journal Pediatrics shows that Lactobacillus reuteri given to small      
children protected them from infections and gave:                               
- lower absence from day school due to sickness                                 
- fewer visits to the doctor                                                    
- reduced need for antibiotics                                                  

Semper is Sweden´s leading baby food company, with a market share of approx. 60 
%. Semper has over 50 years experience of developing and marketing good and     
nutritionally adapted products for small children.                              
“Gruel with health-promoting bacteria is an excellent complement to our existing
products” says Agneta Frykhammar, Marketing Director of Semper AB.              
“We have several customers in a series of countries that add Lactobacillus      
reuteri to products adapted to the needs of small children. It is satisfying    
that we ca now, together with Semper, also offer Swedish children a gruel with  
health-promoting and friendly bacteria.” says                                   
Peter Rothschild, MD BioGaia AB.                                                

Launch of Semper´s “ Fullkornsvälling”  with active bacteria culture is planned 
during the first half of 2007.                                                  

Latest press releases from BioGaia:                                             
2007-02-21	BioGaia signs agreement with Delta Medical                           
2007-02-14	BioGaia AB Year-end report 2006                                      
2007-01-16	BioGaia signs agreement with Semper                                  

For additional information contact:                                             
Peter Rothschild, president, telephone: +46 (0)8 - 555 293 00                   
Jan Annwall, executive vice president, telephone: +46 (0)8 - 555 293 00         
BioGaia is a biotechnology company that develops, markets and sells probiotic   
products with documented health benefits. The products are primarily based on   
the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri (Reuteri), which has            
health-enhancing effects. The class B share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB is 
quoted on the small cap list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange.                   
