Ratos: Ratos sells Bluegarden

Ratos has signed an agreement on the sale of its wholly owned
subsidiary Bluegarden to Multidata - Denmark's leading supplier of
payroll services to the private sector. The sales amount is
approximately SEK 290m, which will provide Ratos with an exit gain of
approximately SEK 160m.

During the holding period Bluegarden developed from being a local
Norwegian provider of IT-based HRM services to a Scandinavian partner
to major customers within both the private and public sectors,
focusing on digital services and BPO services (Business Process
Outsourcing). Bluegarden and Multidata signed a co-operation
agreement back in 2004 for joint development and sales of web-based
solutions for payroll administration and human resources planning. In
2004 Bluegarden acquired the Swedish company PA Konsult which has
seen strong growth in recent years due to new contracts with
customers such as If, Svenska Spel, Korsnäs and Perstorp.

Ratos CEO Arne Karlsson: "Bluegarden has managed to create a
Scandinavian foothold. The industry is currently undergoing
consolidation and our assessment is that Bluegarden's and Multidata's
opportunities for continued growth will improve as a result of
today's merger."

Today's deal will generate an exit gain for Ratos of approximately
SEK 160m. The average annual return (IRR) on the investment is
estimated to amount to approximately 6%.

For further information, please contact:
Arne Karlsson, President and CEO Ratos, +46 8 700 17 43
Anna-Karin Celsing, Head of Corporate Communications Ratos, +46 703
99 62 39

Financial calendar from Ratos:
Interim report January-June                              21 August
Interim report January-September                     9 November 2007

Ratos is a listed private equity company. The business concept is to
maximise shareholder value over time by investing in, developing and
divesting primarily unlisted companies. Ratos thus offers stock
market players a unique investment opportunity. The equity of Ratos's
investments is approximately SEK 11 billion. Ratos's holdings include
Anticimex, Arcus Gruppen, Bisnode, Bluegarden, Camfil, DIAB,
GS-Hydro, Haendig, Haglöfs, HL Display, HÅG/RH/RBM, Hägglunds Drives,
Inwido, Jøtul, Lindab, MCC, Medifiq Healthcare, Superfos and Other


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