Oprah's the Queen of Talk With Cell Phone Users; Tiger Hits Hole in One Among Men

Ingenio Poll Unveils the Celebrities With Which Mobile Phone Users Most Want to Gab

ADVISORY, June 27, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- U.S. consumers are choosing cell phones over landlines, according to a recent survey(1) indicating that more than four out of five U.S. adults surveyed (85 percent) own a mobile phone (cell phone and/or smart phone), compared to only about seven in ten (71 percent) who have a landline.

Who do they MOST want to see on their caller ID?

Oprah Winfrey isn't just topping the daytime charts. In fact, the talk show host was chosen first among mobile phone owners (19 percent of the vote) as the celebrity they would most like to receive a phone call from on their cell phone, according to a Consumer Cell Phone Usage Study, commissioned by Ingenio and conducted by Harris Interactive(r). Garnering only five percent of the vote, Britney Spears came in last on the list of celebrities that consumers would most like to receive a phone call from on their cell phone.

Hollywood heartthrob Brad Pitt made the list as well, with nine percent of the vote. No surprise that most of his votes came from the ladies (12 percent women vs. six percent men). In fact, women ages 18 to 34 (21 percent) were more likely than men and women of all other ages to want to hear from Pitt.

The survey found the following:

 * What presidential hopefuls are leading the polls?  2008 Presidential
   candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in a tight race.
   Though men are more likely than women to want a call from Obama (17
   percent of men vs. 12 percent of women), both genders would equally
   want a call from the former First Lady.

 * Who's your American Idol -- Simon Cowell or Britney Spears?  Surly
   Simon manages to bring in the votes even off camera, but only by a
   slight margin (six percent vs. five percent for Britney Spears).
   Despite an occasional fall from grace, Britney Spears still has some
   pop star power with younger people. Nine percent of adults ages 18
   to 44 want to receive a call from her, as opposed to only two
   percent of those surveyed ages 45 and up. It's like she always said,
   "Call me, Baby, One More Time."

 * Tiger masters the male demographic.  From wedges to woods, 18
   percent of male cell phone owners may have been hoping to get tips
   on their swing from golf champion Tiger Woods -- compared to only
   six percent of women...proving par for the course.

For more information:

Marc Barach, chief marketing officer of mobile advertising leader Ingenio, Inc. is available to discuss findings. To schedule an interview with Marc and learn more about consumers' attitudes towards their mobile phones and other findings from the Ingenio(r) Consumer Cell Phone Usage Study, contact:

Lisa Revelli, Ingenio, Inc., phone: (415) 248-4034, email: lisa@ingenio.com

Darcy Cobb, Dotted Line Communications for Ingenio, phone: 310-472-8600, email: darcy@dottedlinecomm.com

(1) Harris Interactive conducted the online survey on behalf of Ingenio, Inc. between March 29 and April 2, 2007 among 4,123 adults (aged 18 and over) within the United States. Sampling error for data based on the total sample is +/- 2 percentage points. Sampling error for data based on sub-samples may be higher and would vary. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete methodology and survey results, please contact Lisa Revelli (Ingenio) or Darcy Cobb (Dotted Line Communications for Ingenio).