- ICEQ comprised the following at the end of 27nd June 2007

ICEQ comprised the following at the end of 27nd June 2007:     

ISK	37.939.412	
365	5.888.106	
A	8.547.780	
ACT	7.152.825	
ATOR	9.455.768	
BAKK	5.594.117	
FL	11.166.907	
GLB	31.234.177	
HFEIM	1.650.215	
KAUP	1.967.647	
LAIS	27.869.101	
MARL	459.217	
MOSAIC	7.466.656	
OSSR	536.518	
STRB	21.735.824	
FO-ATLA  4.207	
ICEQ		2.514.681

Investors are advised to read the ICEQ prospectus on Kaupthing Bank's Fund
Center, www.kbsjodir.is, or on the news page of the Iceland Stock Exchange:

Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf.