SPi Rates Top-Tier in Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey

Prestigious Survey Ranks SPi as Top 20 Overall Market Leader; Top 10 by Law Firms and Corporations and Top 10 in Four Critical Service Categories

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - June 28, 2007) - SPi, a leading provider of electronic discovery and document coding services to the legal industry, has been cited in the 2007 Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey as a "Top 20" overall service provider. SPi is also ranked "Top 10" by both corporate law departments and major law firms.

"We are happy to be recognized for our top-tier electronic discovery offering. We are particularly pleased to be cited by both law firms and corporate legal departments," said Charley Otto, Vice President, Sales. "Law firms recognize us for our exceptional service, a big issue for them, and our corporate clients recognize our ability to help manage the risks and costs of electronic discovery."

SPi was also named "Top 10" in four categories that relate to project phases of discovery: Collection, Processing, Review and Analysis. These results point to SPi's growth and outstanding reputation as an end-to-end service provider in electronic discovery and litigation support.

"From a strategic standpoint, we've been focusing on developing and providing our clients with an integrated, cost-effective e-discovery solution," said Chuck Kellner, Vice President of Consulting & Project Engineering. "Our data collection practice is growing, and our Data Analytics offering has been a huge market differentiator. Our clients understand how it saves time and money in review as well as how it helps them get ready for meet-and-confer."

Kellner went on to say, "Over the years, we have hosted many terabytes of review, and just recently, we launched a managed review service at per document prices. SPi Legal is a team of experienced and thoughtful industry leaders, and it is heartening to see this kind of recognition."

The 5th Annual Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey (www.sochaconsulting.com/2007survey.htm) is the most highly respected and comprehensive report on the state of the industry. Developed by e-discovery pioneer George Socha and Tom Gelbmann, it examines electronic discovery by surveying nearly a thousand individuals, including those from 255 law firms and 103 corporations.

More detailed results from the Socha-Gelbmann Survey will be available in the August issue of Law Technology News. More about discovery phases can be learned at the Electronic Discovery Reference Model www.edrm.net.

About SPi

SPi Legal is a division of SPi and offers full service electronic discovery and litigation support services, document coding services, online repository hosting, and onsite and strategic electronic data discovery collection and preservation services. SPi, 100% owned by ePLDT, is a leading full-service BPO provider with offices and facilities across North America, Europe, and Asia. With over 7,200 employees worldwide, SPi delivers a wide range of knowledge-based outsourcing solutions to diversified markets. SPi consistently improves operating efficiency, lowers costs and helps to strengthen the competitive position of more than 500 customers.

Contact Information: Contact: Elizabeth Nolan Vice President, Global Marketing Washington, DC (202) 449 7692