Forum Nokia announces Launchpad community offering for mobile application development companies

New component to Forum Nokia developer program delivers targeted technology benefits to developers of applications for Nokia platforms
Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced its new Launchpad mobile software developer offering for the broad range of software developer companies seeking a fast-track for creating applications that target the millions of devices based on Nokia mobile platforms in the market today.
Available immediately to developer companies actively seeking larger market opportunities for their applications and services, Launchpad will enable a wider range of companies to create profitable, sustainable mobile development businesses. Providing specific and focused technology access designed to accelerate development of mobile applications and services, Launchpad delivers an impressive package of benefits and tools to a broad range of software developers, from fast-moving startups to established companies to corporate IT departments. 
Developer firms new to building applications targeting Nokia mobile platforms, as well as organizations whose employees may already belong to Forum Nokia as individual members, will benefit significantly from the new Launchpad offering, designed specifically to meet the needs of the growing number of firms eyeing the burgeoning smartphone market as an exciting new arena for software development.
"Nokia is very pleased to offer Launchpad to any software developer company seeking to build mobile applications and services for the growing global smartphone market," said Lee Epting, Vice President, Forum Nokia. "By addressing the particular needs of these developers through Launchpad, both in terms of technology access and support, we will be helping them accelerate their development cycle to bring new and exciting applications to Nokia mobile platforms."
Launchpad benefits designed to accelerate mobile application development include:
- Early access to technical info, including APIs, SDKs and technology roadmaps;
- Free Carbide Developer Edition (Symbian OS) developer tool software, with a 50% discount on additional Carbide Developer Edition copies;
- Discounted Nokia mobile device purchase program;
- Discounted technical support case ticket;
- Discounted application signing (Symbian Signed);
- Discounted S60 book offers and certification exams; and,
- Publication of the company profile on the Launchpad website and application catalog.
The annual cost of the Launchpad program is € 800 euros. Application for developer companies wishing to join Forum Nokia's Launchpad program is available online at
About Forum Nokia
Nokia's global developer program, Forum Nokia connects developers to tools, technical information, support, and distribution channels they can use to build and market applications around the globe. From offices in the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, and Singapore, Forum Nokia provides technical and business development support to developers and operators to assist them in achieving their goal of successfully launching applications and services to consumers and enterprises. More information is available at
About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and growth of the converging Internet and communications industries. Nokia makes a wide range of mobile devices and provides people with experiences in music, navigation, video, television, imaging, games and business mobility through these devices. Nokia also provides equipment, solutions and services for communications networks.
Media Enquiries:
Nokia Corporate Communications - Global Developer Program
Charles Chopp
Nokia Americas
Tel. +1 972 894 4573