3rd Quarter Report for Diamyd Medical AB, Fiscal Year 2006/2007

3rd Quarter Report for Diamyd Medical AB, Fiscal Year 2006/2007

(www.omxgroup.com ticker: DIAM B; www.otcqx.com ticker: DMYDY)

March 1 - May 31, 2007

•	Plans for the US and European Phase III clinical program for type 1 diabetes
were announced.
•	Listing on OTCQX simplifies trading with Diamyd Medical's shares in the US.
•	Mechanism of action of the Diamyd® vaccine was further clarified at the
Sweden-Seattle Diabetes Conference in Linkoping.
•	An Employee Option program was adopted at an extraordinary shareholders
meeting, May 22.
•	A Phase II study in LADA patients was invalidated after an independent audit
(after the reporting period). The Company plans to continue the study with
regard to safety.
•	Net sales for the 9-month period were SEK 807,000 (US$ 115,286) compared to
SEK 675,000 (US$ 96,429) for the same period of the prior fiscal year.
•	Loss before taxes for the 9-month period was SEK 38.6 million (US$ 5.5
million) compared to SEK 22.7 million (US$ 3.2 million) for the same period of
the prior fiscal year.
•	Liquid assets were SEK 81.6 million (US$ 11.7 million) as of May 31, 2007
compared to SEK 69.8 million (US$ 10.0 million) as of May 31, 2006.
•	Loss per share for the 9-month period before dilution was SEK 4 (US$ 0.6)
compared to SEK 2.6 (US$ 0.4) for the same period of the prior fiscal year.
We are pleased that our program for type 1 diabetes is continuing to move
towards Phase III trials and enthusiastic that the mechanism of the Diamyd®
diabetes vaccine has become clearer. Our plans to start type 1 diabetes trials
in the US and Europe later this year remain firm.
Testing Diamyd® in a large, international patient population is aimed to support
registration and market approval applications. The trials are planned to be
conducted at roughly 30 sites in the US and Europe respectively, and will each
include approximately 300 type 1 diabetes patients. Enrollment time is estimated
to be approximately 9 months and results will be evaluated after 15 months. The
patients will then be followed for an additional 15 months. The primary endpoint
is planned to be meal-stimulated C-peptide, as a direct marker of endogenous
insulin secretion. Trends in blood glucose levels and insulin dose will also be

It is unfortunate that we recently had to invalidate a phase II study in 160
type 2 diabetes LADA patients. However, this has not impacted on our ongoing
plans for the type 1 diabetes phase III program. The trial was invalidated
because of inconsistent and contradictory efficacy data combined with critical
observations during a formal independent audit at the central pharmacy handling
the investigational product (Diamyd® and placebo). The audit concluded that it
was impossible to guarantee absolute identity of the content of each vial of the
investigational product administered to the patients and that the risk for a
possible mix up between active drug and placebo was obvious. In light of these
findings we can not rely on any efficacy data from the study and the decision to
invalidate the efficacy data from the study was made. Importantly, however, no
serious adverse events related to either Diamyd® or placebo were reported in the
trial. We plan to continue the study both from an ethical point of view and in
order to increase the information in our safety database.

The endpoint in the 160 patient LADA trial was HbA1c (a long term blood sugar
value). However, meal-stimulated C-peptide has recently been recognized as the
correct endpoint evaluating a treatment aiming to preserve beta cell function in
autoimmune diabetes. The reason is that patients that receive treatment with
insulin or insulin sensitizers tend to normalize their HbA1c values. Therefore,
the additional HbA1c effect from therapies aiming to treat autoimmunity may be
less pronounced in well treated patients, although the effect on insulin
secretion is significant. The choice of HbA1c, that at the time of study
initiation was the appropriate endpoint approved by the FDA, may have added to
the difficulties to draw conclusions from the study. As the FDA recently has
approved meal-stimulated C-peptide as an endpoint, this parameter will be used
in the planned type 1 diabetes phase III studies. 

This past quarter marked the turning point for our understanding of the
mechanism of action of Diamyd®. Scientists in Linkoping, Sweden, have reported
strong positive results after analyzing immunological parameters from the type 1
diabetes trial reported in August 2006. In fact, the data illustrates that
patients treated with Diamyd® had an up-regulation of certain beneficial
immunological markers in response to the active GAD65 protein agent. These
immunological markers remained up-regulated even 15 months after the first

In our view, this data directly confirms the positive clinical results seen in
the type 1 diabetes trial and further contributes to the large body of
accumulated scientific evidence pointing to GAD65, the active ingredient of
Diamyd®, as a possible immunomodulator that could prevent the immune system from
destroying the insulin secreting beta cells.
Listing Diamyd's ADRs on the new OTCQX list is a further step in the Company's
strategy to increase visibility with American investors. We believe that listing
on OTCQX will be a good way to meet increased investor interest.

Partnership discussions with pharmaceutical companies regarding
commercialization of Diamyd® are ongoing. Several options to fund the upcoming
Phase III program are kept open.
Anders Essen-Möller, CEO and President of Diamyd Medical.

The Company's vision is that there is a cure to be found for autoimmune
diabetes. The Company's mission is to contribute to the global effort to find
this cure and to eliminate complications from the disease. Accordingly, the
Company currently develops therapeutics from two independent platform
technologies. One of these platforms relies on the GAD65 molecule and the other
on a viral delivery system of proteins to nervous tissue. Therapeutics for
conditions other than diabetes are also being developed using this system.

Business Model
Diamyd Medical's business model includes identifying candidate therapies and
developing them through clinical trials proof-of-concept before
commercialization through partnerships. Development and marketing of related
diagnostic products may be undertaken to prepare the market for subsequent drug

Diamyd Medical's business model leverages a focused in-house team with highly
qualified skills and expert outsourcing partners, e.g. CROs and CMOs, to
facilitate drug development. This model efficiently manages costs through
resource flexibility while ensuring delivery of quality results as the Company's
projects move forward.

The International Diabetes Federation has estimated that the number of diagnosed
and undiagnosed individuals with diabetes is about 230 million world-wide. The
number of individuals with diabetes increased by 6 million in 2006. Diabetes
increased by 11 percent in the US. Approximately 3-10 percent of the individuals
diagnosed with diabetes have type 1 diabetes with incidence rates varying by
country and ethnicity. About the same amount of patients have autoimmune type 2
diabetes, i.e. the LADA form of the disease. The costs associated with diabetes
in the western world are about 7 percent of total health care budgets, or more
than US$ 100 billion in the United States alone.

In August 2006, the Company announced positive results from a 15-month phase II
trial in 70 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Significant efficacy
was demonstrated in preserving beta cell function. On average, the 35 patients
that received Diamyd® experienced only half the decline in meal-stimulated
insulin secretion, as measured by meal-stimulated C-peptide levels, compared to
placebo. In patients treated within 3 months of diagnosis, the Diamyd®-treated
patients on average actually showed an improvement in endogenous insulin
secretion. In addition, the results strongly support the safety of the drug. The
treatment consisted of only two injections of Diamyd® and was well received by
patients, their doctors and family members. 
The trial is now in a 15-month follow-up phase with results due in about 8
After the reporting period it was decided to invalidate a phase II study in 160
type 2 diabetes LADA patients. The Company plans to continue the study with
regard to safety.
In the previously reported dose-finding trial in 47 LADA patients the 20µg dose
of Diamyd® was found to be the most effective and was selected for further
development. This dose was found to significantly improve both meal-stimulated
C-peptide levels and HbA1c at two years after treatment. Five year follow up
results are due mid-2008.
No serious adverse events related to Diamyd® treatment have been reported in any

Chronic Pain
In the US, nearly one third of the population experiences severe chronic pain at
some point in life. According to the American Pain Society, only one in four
patients with chronic pain receive adequate treatment. Approximately 1.7 million
people in the US and as many as 38 million people worldwide suffer from moderate
to severe neuropathic pain associated with diabetes, back pain, HIV/AIDS
neuropathy, spinal cord injury, postherpetic neuralgia or other diseases. The
neuropathic pain market in the United States is expected to be worth more than
US$ 2 billion by 2009.

Diamyd Inc. in Pittsburgh is developing a replication deficient viral delivery
system for proteins, in particular, to nervous tissues. This system, Nerve
Targeted Drug Delivery System (NTDDS) has several advantages over other gene
delivery strategies as the DNA that encodes the delivered gene does not
integrate into the chromosome and therefore reduces the risk of side effects.
NTDDS has the capacity to deliver multiple genes and is well suited for
development of a multitude of projects. Diamyd Inc. is discussing joint
development of various projects with third-party biotechnology companies. The
NTDDS lead projects are therapeutics for pain using Enkephalin and GAD. These
projects are both in a preclinical stage.

GAD and other neurological diseases 
Apart from being a major autoantigen in autoimmune diabetes, GAD65 is also an
enzyme that converts the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate into the
inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Several neurological and movement related
disorders may be due to disturbances in the glutamate-GABA balance, and GAD65
may come to play an important role as a component in future medications for
treatment of such diseases. 

Diamyd Medical has sublicensed rights to the GAD65 gene to Neurologix, Inc. for
the development of a GAD-based therapy to treat Parkinson's disease. A Phase I
trial with patients having Parkinson's disease has been completed. Primary
objectives of the study regarding safety and tolerability were successfully met.
Additionally, indications of efficacy were shown.

At the extra shareholders' meeting of Diamyd Medical AB (publ), held in
Stockholm, Sweden, on May 22, 2007, the shareholders adopted an employee option
program. To secure the employee option program it was decided to issue 250,000
warrants. Each warrant shall entitle the holder to acquire one series B-share
within three (3) years at a predefined price. The Company shall retain warrants
to cover the costs and taxes that the Company will be liable for at execution of
the warrants. At full execution, the dilution is calculated to approximately 2.5
Sales - Sales during the three-month period amounted to 250 kSEK compared to 80
kSEK during the same period last year. Sales fluctuate from quarter to quarter
and consist of Diamyd®-related products such as GAD-protein sold to academic

Costs - Costs for the Group amounted to 15.5 MSEK (9.3 MSEK) during the
three-month period. The increased costs are incurred by development of the
manufacturing process for phase III grade materials, added personnel costs as
well as research and development costs in the subsidiary 

Diamyd Inc.
Loss -The net loss for the Group for the three-month period amounted to 14.1
MSEK (8.8 MSEK).
Financial Position and Liquidity - The Group's liquid assets amounted to 81.6
MSEK as of May 31st, 2007 (69.8 MSEK).

Investments - No significant investments were made during the period.

Change in Equity - As of May 31st, 2007, the Company's equity amounted to 118.2
MSEK (111.3 MSEK), resulting in a solvency ratio of 92.8 percent (93.8 percent).

Personnel - The Company had 14 (7) employees as of May 31st, 2007. 

Parent Company - The Parent Company's net turnover amounted to 0 SEK as all
sales are conducted in subsidiary companies. The period's investments were 0

To read the complete report, please see attached pdf, or read it at

For further information, please contact:	
Anders Essen-Möller
CEO and President 
Tel: +46 8 661 0026
E-mail: investor.relations@diamyd.com

Pittsburgh office
Michael Christini
Tel: +1 412 770 1310
E-mail: Michael.Christini@diamyd.com

For media contact in the US, please contact:
Gregory Tiberend
Executive Vice President 
Richard Lewis Communications, Inc. 
Tel: +1 212 827 0020 
E-mail: gtiberend@rlcinc.com 

Diamyd Medical AB (publ). Linnégatan 89 B, SE-115 23 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46
8 661 00 26, fax: +46 8 661 63 68 or E-mail: info@diamyd.com. VATno:

About Diamyd Medical
Diamyd Medical is a Life Science company focused on developing treatments for
diabetes and its complications. The Company's furthest developed project is the
GAD-based candidate drug Diamyd® for autoimmune diabetes. Diamyd® has
demonstrated significant and positive results in a Phase II clinical trial in
type 1 diabetes patients in Sweden. 
GAD65, a major autoantigen in autoimmune diabetes, is the active substance in
Diamyd®. GAD65 is also an enzyme that converts the excitatory neurotransmitter
glutamate to the inhibitory transmitter GABA. In this context GAD may have an
important role not only in diabetes, but also in several CNS-related diseases.
Diamyd Medical has an exclusive world-wide license from the University of
California at Los Angeles, UCLA, regarding the therapeutic use of the GAD65
Diamyd Medical has sublicensed its UCLA GAD65 Composition of Matter license to
Neurologix Inc., New Jersey, for the treatment of Parkinson's disease with an
Other projects comprise drug development within gene therapy using the
exclusively licensed and patent protected Nerve Targeted Drug Delivery System
(NTDDS). The Company's lead gene therapy projects include using Enkephalin and
GAD for chronic pain, e.g. diabetes pain or cancer pain. All projects in this
field are currently in preclinical phases.
Diamyd Medical has offices in Stockholm, Sweden and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
and is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Sweden (ticker symbol: DIAM B). The
share can also be traded in the US as an ADR through the OTCQX quotation system
(ticker symbol: DMYDY) administered by the Pink Sheets and the Bank of New York
(PAL). Further information is available at www.diamyd.com

Disclaimer: This document contains certain "statements" relating to present
understandings, future events and future performance, including statements
relating to the progress, timing and completion of our research, development and
clinical trials; our ability to market, commercialize and achieve market
acceptance for product candidates; and our current and future strategic partner
relationships. These statements can be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by
known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Diamyd Medical undertakes no
obligation to publicly update such statements, whether because of new
information, future events or otherwise, nor does Diamyd Medical give any
guarantees that the statements, given or implied, are correct. This document is
a translation from the Swedish original. No guarantees are made that the
translation is free from errors.

