SRV purchased a land area in Vantaa

Press Release 29 June 2007

SRV purchased a land area in Vantaa                                             

SRV Group Plc has purchased a land area in Vantaa, Finland from SanomaWSOY      
Corporation. The land area is situated in the proximity of Hämeenlinna highway  
and Kehä III (Ring Road). Acquired land area enables the construction of        
versatile business premises to the developing area of Vantaankoski.             

The land area, purchased from Kiinteistö Oy Vantaan Valtatie 3, a subsidiary of 
SanomaWSOY, is the size of 6.3 hectares. The existing city plan enables the     
construction of offices with small-scale production and warehouse space,        
provided that there is no disturbance to the surroundings.                      

- As a part Vantaankoski's rapidly developing industrial and office district and
due to its excellent location, the land area has significant development        
potential. We believe that the whole area will become an increasingly important 
business premises area in the near future, says Jouko Pöyhönen, Development     
Director of SRV.                                                                

SRV is the leading construction project management company and property         
developer that operates in Finland, Russia and the Baltic states. The Company's 
offering includes project and property development, investment planning as well 
as design and construction. SRV had revenues of EUR 479.5 million in 2006. The  
Company employs app. 700 persons. SRV Group Plc is listed on the Helsinki Stock 

Further information, please contact:                                            

Jouko Pöyhönen, Development Director, SRV Group Plc                             
Tel. +358 201 45 5247