Suomen Terveystalo to acquire Medivire Työterveyspalvelut

29 June, 2007 at 10:10 am                                                       

Suomen Terveystalo to acquire Medivire Työterveyspalvelut                       

Suomen Terveystalo Oyj has today signed an agreement to purchase Medivire       
Työterveyspalvelut which means that Suomen Terveystalo will be the leading      
provider of private healthcare services in Finland. After the acquisition,      
Suomen Terveystalo group serves over 11,000 corporate customers and more than   
350,000 individuals in occupational healthcare.                                 

Medivire Työterveyspalvelut Oy is the leading occupational healthcare services  
provider in Finland. Established in 1995, Medivire Työterveyspalvelut employs   
over 900 occupational healthcare professionals at some 40 locations. The entire 
personnel will transfer to the Suomen Terveystalo group under their existing    
terms of employment. Medivire's occupational healthcare services offer an       
extensive range of preventive and medical occupational healthcare for both the  
public and the corporate sectors.                                               

The 2006 net sales of Medivire Työterveyspalvelut Oy amounted to EUR 75 million,
and its operating profit (EBIT) to EUR 3.5 million. The company is expected to  
achieve net sales of over EUR 80 million in the current year, and operating     
profit (EBIT) to exceed EUR 7 million. Further increase of Medivire             
Terveyspalvelut Oy's net sales and improvement in profitability are expected to 
continue in the financial period 2008.                                          

”The expertise of personnel of Medivire Työterveyspalvelut and the highly       
advanced occupational healthcare processes ideally complement the existing      
competencies at Suomen Terveystalo. The subcontracting services of diagnostics  
and specialists services Medivire Työterveyspalvelut has bought can be produced 
by Suomen Terveystalo in the future and we believe that it creates significant  
synergies. In the future we are able to produce wider health care services in   
longer perspective and with more comprehensive responsibilities to all customer 
groups as the widest nation-wide operator in the sector,” says Martti Kiuru, CEO
of Suomen Terveystalo Oyj.                                                      

“I am very pleased that the new owner of Medivire Työterveyspalvelut is Suomen  
Terveystalo. We can continue our long term development and implementing of new  
processes in occupational healthcare services. The formed new entity and its    
owner base as a listed company give us an unique possibility to develop finnish 
private health care further ”, says Kimmo Karvonen, CEO of Medivire             

The transaction and the acquisition price                                       

The current Medivire Oy will be spun off into two companies, and the company's  
stockholding in Medivire Työterveyspalvelut Oy will be transferred to Medivire  
TTP Holding Oy, a new company to be established. Medivire Oy holds 97.67 percent
of the stock of Medivire Työterveyspalvelut Oy. Suomen Terveystalo will make a  
redemption offer in the future to acquire the remaining 2.33 percent of the     
stocks, owned by total of 124 private investors.                                

In acquisition Suomen Terveystalo Oyj aquires all shares of Medivire TTP Holding
oy. The sellers are MB-Funds Ltd, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company and
the Medivire Oy's executive management. Suomen Terveystalo will pay EUR 127.0   
million for Medivire TTP Holding Oy's stocks. The net liabilities of Medivire   
Työterveyspalvelut Oy as of June 30, 2007 will be deducted from or included in  
the sales price. Title to the stocks will be transferred and the sales price    
become payable upon completion of the spin-off of Medivire Oy, expected to take 
place by September 1, 2007. For the financing of the transaction Suomen         
Terveystalo Oyj has made a financing agreement with OKO Bank Plc. The           
transaction is estimated to improve Suomen Terveystalo Oyj's earnings per share 
year 2008 onwards.                                                              

Suomen Terveystalo Oyj                                                          
Martti Kiuru                                                                    

More information:                                                               
Suomen Terveystalo Oyj, CEO Martti Kiuru, tel. +358 9 2310 6100                 
Suomen Terveystalo Oyj, CFO Timo Leinonen, tel. +358 400 793 073                

Suomen Terveystalo in brief:                                                    
Suomen Terveystalo, which has 100 offices across Finland, is Finland's largest  
comprehensive healthcare clinics and hospitals chain. The company offers        
healthcare, occupational healthcare and medical treatment services to private   
persons, corporations and communities. The company that was founded in 2001 has 
strongly grown throughout its history. In 2006, the turnover was MEUR 88.9 and  
operative profit MEUR 5.1. The company has about 1.750 practising doctors and   
some 50 other health care professionals. At the end of March 2007 the company   
employed 1,335 people. Suomen Terveystalo's share (SUT1V) is listed in the      
Helsinki Stock Exchange.                                                                                                            

The Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                     
Main Media