On turnover of Apranga Group in June 2007

The leader of retail apparel market in Lithuania and the Baltics Apranga Group
has made LTL 30454 thousand (EUR 8820 thousand) retail turnover in June 2007,
increasing by 50.5% in comparison to June 2006. Retail turnover of Apranga
Group has increased by 57.3% in Lithuania, 42.5% in Latvia, and 32.3% in
Estonia in June 2007. 

The turnover of Apranga Group retail chain has made LTL 183.1 million (EUR 53.0
million) in 1st half of 2007, or by 52.6% more than in 1st half of 2006. The
retail chain turnover has increased by 56.3 in Lithuania, 45.5% in Latvia, and
46.2% in Estonia. 

Among all 5 chains developed by Apranga Group the fastest growing were youth
chain (2.1 time), and luxury chain (57.8%). 

Apranga Group has already opened 18 new stores. Seeking for effective
performance and adapting chain to changing market conditions Apranga Group has
closed 4 stores, and reconstructed 2. 

Apranga Group plans intensive expansion during 2nd half 2007 and 2008, more
than 25 stores have to be opened within nearest 18 months. 

Apranga Group has earned LTL 9748 thousand (EUR 2823 thousand) not audited
profit before taxes in January through May 2007, or 93.8% more, than in
corresponding period 2006. 

Apranga Group is owned by the concern MG Baltic.

Rimantas Perveneckas
Apranga Group General Manager
+370 5 2390801