Court dispute

Last Friday the online edition of Äripäev published information, sourced to AS
Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann, indicating that AS Kalev had acquired shares in AS
AS Kalev hereby states that it has not acquired the shares in question. For its
part, AS Kalev released information on AS Santenor in its press releases of 12
February 2007 and 8 March 2007. 

At present, proceedings are under way in Harju County Court in an action filed
by AS Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann against AS Kalev. The plaintiff is seeking to
be awarded 2.5 million kroons from the defendant. 

Considering the negligible effect of the said court proceedings on the economic
activities of AS Kalev, the issuer does not consider it necessary to comment
any further on this topic. 

Allan Viirma
Head of the legal service
607 7831