Metso expanding its production premises in Lapua, Finland

Metso Power, which is part of the Metso Paper business area, is increasing its production capacity at the Lapua factory in Finland. The goal is to be able to better meet the growing demand for power plants fueled by renewable energy sources as well as the needs for modernization and maintenance services at pulp and paper mills.
The expansion will increase the production facilities by about one third and will be ready for use at the beginning of 2008. In the same conjunction, Metso Power is buying the entire production hall, which is currently leased, to ensure flexible development of the premises also in the future. The total value of the investments is nearly EUR 8 million.
The current Lapua factory was built in 1990 and the first expansion was completed in 1993.
Metso Power has four production units serving business globally. Metso Power manufactures the key components for its main products, which are fluidized bed boilers and recovery boilers, oil and gas boilers and evaporators. The production of new boilers is centralized to the Tampere factory in Finland. The Lapua factory and two factories located in Sweden specialize in manufacturing and installing parts needed for boiler rebuilds and maintenance.
Metso is a global engineering and technology corporation with 2006 net sales of approximately EUR 5 billion. Its 25,500 employees in more than 50 countries serve customers in the pulp and paper industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries.
For further information, please contact:
Juha Parvela, Vice President, Production, Metso Power, tel. +358 400 730 377