- Results of Straumur's tender offer for eQ

A great majority of the shareholders and the holders of option rights in the
Finnish bank, eQ, have accepted the tender offer by Straumur for all shares and
option rights in the bank. The acceptance period of the tender offer started 11
June 2007 and ended 3 July 2007.  Straumur now controls over 95% of the shares
and the voting rights in eQ. Straumur intends to acquire all issued and
remaining shares in eQ; hence will now launch compulsory acquisition
proceedings for the shares of the minority owners in conformity with the
provisions of the Finnish corporate law. 

Further information:

eQ Corporation
Antti Mäkinen, CEO, tel: +358 9 681 781 or +358 50 5611 501

Óttar Pálsson, Chief Legal Counsel, tel: 840 9148

About Straumur
Straumur is the largest investment bank in Iceland, providing extensive and
integrated investment banking service, including marketing, corporate
consultation, financing and asset management. The number of the bank's
personnel is 406. The bank operates in Reykjavík, London, Copenhagen, Prague
and Amsterdam. 

About eQ
eQ is a Finnish full-service investment bank whose customers include private
investors, institutions and enterprises. eQ provides investment banking service
tailored to the needs of demanding customers. Shareholders' equity of eQ Group
amounts to EUR 64 million and the capital adequacy ratio is 14%. The Group's
employees are 170 and its number of customers is 48,000.