Sale of office tower

Copenhagen Stock Exchange

4 July 2007
Announcement No. 06 - 2007

Sale of office tower

After negotiations with several parties about the sale of the south-eastern
office tower, PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S has today entered into an
agreement with K/S Parken Tårn D on the transfer of the office tower on 1
September 2007 at a price of DKK 135 million cash. 

K/S Parken Tårn D is a newly-formed limited partnership. Among its owners is
Hans Henrik Palm, a member of the Supervisory Board of PARKEN Sport &
Entertainment A/S. 

The purchase price achieved has already been factored into the latest announced
results for the 18-month financial statements for 2006/2007 and PARKEN Sport &
Entertainment A/S thus still expects the profit before transfer activities,
financial income and expenses and tax to be in the range of DKK 250 million and
the profit before tax to be around DKK 160 million. 

Yours sincerely
PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S

Flemming Østergaard

