Previously Proha anticipated that on an annual level the comparable             
profitability would improve compared to the continuing operations in 2006 and   
that the result would be positive. Based on the present estimates the operating 
result for the second quarter will be negative. Also the operating result for   
2007 is anticipated to remain negative.                                         

In the second quarter of 2007 the comparable Group sales have improved compared 
to the previous year. However, the increase has been slower than expected and   
thus the anticipated improvement in result has not materialized.                

In the second quarter, the profitability of Dovre Consulting and Services       
division has remained unchanged, the profitability of Safran Systems division   
has declined slightly, and the Group administrative costs have reduced. The     
sales of Dovre Consulting and Services division have increased slower than      
anticipated and consequently the anticipated improvements in profits have not   
been achieved. The result of Safran Systems division is burdened by the         
investments in product development, growth and international expansion, which   
have been made as planned while the sales have lagged expectations.             

In 2007 the comparable net sales of the Group are anticipated to grow further   
and the profitability to remain at the level of 2006. The operating result for  
2007 is thus expected to be negative.                                           

On August 9, 2007 Proha will publish the interim report for the period January  
1, - June 30, 2007.                                                             

Proha Plc                                                                       
Pekka Pere                                                                      
President and CEO                                                               
More information                                                                
PROHA PLC                                                                       
CEO Pekka Pere, tel. +358 20 4362 000                                                                                                                                                        
Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
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